2/21 - Dance with Julianne: Cardio Ballroom DVD - Cha-Cha & Jive sections
2/23 - No More Trouble Zones DVD
2/26 - 35 minute walk
2/26 - 35 minute walk
2/13 Sunday - nothing
2/14 - 30 Day Shred DVD, Level 2
2/19 - Personal Training with Jackie DVD
It was great to start working out again this week, after two weeks of flu. I still have a head cold, but it's nothing compared to how things were going in our house.
I'm experimenting with working out in the early morning again, instead of the afternoon. It's almost impossible to get up before the kids, even if I'm up at 5:30, but I realized that I'd rather work out while the kids are up and write while they're down (i.e., in the afternoon, during quiet time/naptime) than try to do it the other way around. So far, so good.
It means I have to do shorter workouts rather than longer ones though, but that's okay.
Basically, I was sick for two weeks. On Feb. 2, I did Level 1 of the Shred, and then I didn't work out for almost two weeks, till this morning, when I did Level 2. :)
But the end is in sight, I think. I'm not quite well, but I'm well enough that I don't start feeling sick till the evening (i.e., when I'm worn out). We did have six straight days of at-least-one-kid-per-night vomiting, then a break, and then it started again last night, but at least 2 out of the four are well now.
I'm glad to be working out again (I missed it), but man, I did not enjoy it this morning. The first one back is never fun.
Katie, during my first two pregnancies, I practiced karate. During my second and third, I walked. That was about it for me. I didn't really get into exercising at home until after my third pregnancy.
And I'm not sure how to delete that comment now that it's there. The only way I know of on blogger to get rid of unwanted comments is to prevent them by enabling comment moderation.
And I, ugh, am still sick. Thought I was done with it, but I'm not. One workout so far this week, just because I've got the dizzy-nauseous-tired-achy flue blues. Ick, ick, ick.
That's it! Just twice. In my defense, I got sick over the weekend, and working out was just not on the cards (laying in bed was). But it looks like the rest of you are doing wonderfully!