Saturday, April 28, 2012

Week 47 for Jess

Sunday: nothing
Monday: nothing
Tuesday: 30 Day Shred, Level 2
Wednesday: Mari Windsor Shape Pilates Core Challenge for Pink*
Thursday: Rodney Yee Yoga Conditioning for Athletes
Friday: nothing
Saturday: No More Trouble Zones

I'm skipping out on plyometric workouts till my ankle heals, I think. So, it's going to be weights and yoga for me, for awhile.


*or something like that - this DVD has the longest title ever. Did this one as I sprained my ankle yesterday and thought I shouldn't be jumping with Jillian the day afterwards. Sadly, except for about five minutes of truly painful core work, this one was fairly lame. Bicep curls sans weights do NOT impress me.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Emily's week 32

Saturday - nothing
Sunday - nothing
Monday - nothing
Tuesday - hatha yoga (60 minutes)
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - hatha yoga (60 minutes)
Friday - nothing

Twice this week, yay! And tomorrow I get to go again. :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Week 46 for Jess

Sunday: nothing
Monday: 30 Day Shred, Level 3
Tuesday: 30 Day Shred, Level 1
Wednesday: nothing
Thursday: 30 Day Shred, Level 2
Friday: 30 Day Shred, Level 1
Saturday: 30 Day Shred, Level 3

This is the first time in a long time that I've exercised five times in one week.

And I feel so good. Funny thing is, the work-outs have NOT been fun. I've really been pushing myself - going at a faster pace, using heavier weights, doing  harder versions of the movies, etc. (except push-ups - I'm still doing real ones only about half the time!) - but pushing hard has meant the work-outs have hurt a lot while I'm doing them.

But afterwards? Seriously, I feel so good. I feel like I've got my body back - I feel connected to it again, and like it's on my side and not working against me. I've been eating well too . . . I just need to do this all the time. It feels so good, and I'm so much happier. I swear doing this changes my brain chemistry. It makes it so much easier to be happy, and that's such a grace and gift in ordinary life.

ETA: going back to the Shred, and just doing that over and over, through all the levels, is part of what feels so right. I like having variety sometimes, but right now I just want my very familiar work-out. I know this work-out so well that I feel very comfortable pushing myself during it, I know what's coming, I know I can get through the whole thing, so it's easy to tell myself, "It's not that long, just do it. You'll feel better at the end. It's not fun, but there aren't going to be any surprises. Just do it." And I'm always glad that I do.

Not being long is another thing. It really is under half an hour. That makes such a difference.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Emily's week 31

Saturday - nothing
Sunday - nothing
Monday - nothing
Tuesday - hatha yoga (60 minutes)
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - nothing
Friday - nothing

I'm finding myself a bit frustrated with the last two seems like getting to the studio is at the very, very bottom of the family priority list, and thus it is easy for it to get pre-empted for something else. And working out at home has been such an abysmal failure that I've simply given up...there are too many other things calling my name. I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do about this, or even if there is anything to be done about it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Weeks 44 & 45 for Jess

Sunday: run/walk of 5.9 miles
Monday: 20 min. of calisthenics (jumping jacks, etc.)
Tuesday-Sat: nothing

Sun: nothing
Mon: jumping rope (1000 circuits)
Tues: Personal Training with Jackie DVD (40 min.)
Wed: nothing
Thurs: nothing
Friday: 30 Day Shred, Level 3
Sat: nothing

Friday, April 13, 2012

Emily's week 30

Saturday - nothing
Sunday - nothing
Monday - nothing
Tuesday - hatha yoga (60 minutes)
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - nothing (sick kids had to stay home from Awana with me)
Friday - nothing

Friday, April 6, 2012


notta.  sick all week.

Emily's week 29

Saturday - nothing
Sunday - nothing
Monday - nothing
Tuesday - hatha yoga (60 minutes)
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - hatha yoga (60 minutes)
Friday - nothing

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 43 for Jess

Sunday: nothing
Monday: nothing
Tuesday: 30 Day Shred, Level 1
Wednesday: Ripped in 30, Level 1
Thursday: Ripped in 30, Level 2
Friday: nothing
Saturday: nothing