Friday, September 30, 2011

Week 11 recap

M-jog 2 miles, 10 minutes pilates
T-jog 3 miles
W-jog 2 miles, 10 minutes pilates
Fri-jog 2 miles

Took it easier this week because I was just so dang tired and stressed from hormone issues.  Next week should be better.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 15 for Jessica

Sunday: nothing

Monday: 30 Day Shred, Level 1

Tuesday: Ripped in 30, Level 3 (may I say: this one gave me a taste of the exercise-induced nausea I used to get in high school track! didn't puke, but did have a bit of that, "oh man, I'm getting light-headed here!" sensation in the last cardio circuit!)

- and that was it for the week, as I caught my kids' cold and just felt kind of crappy the rest of the week.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week 14 for Jessica

Mon: 30 Day Shred, Level 3

Tues: nothing

Wed: Ripped in 30, Level 1

Thurs: Ripped in 30, Level 2

Fri: nothing

Saturday: Bob Harper Cardio Conditioning DVD - 60 min. section

Friday, September 23, 2011

yoga, week 2

Monday: yoga dvd
Tuesday: yoga dvd
Wednesday: yoga dvd
Thursday: rest (my shoulders were hurting)
Friday: root canal - spent most of the day in bed from novocaine reaction and pain once it wore off. :(

Hopefully I'll be back to normal and back on the wagon on Monday!

The Past 5 Weeks

School started about a month ago, which explains why I haven't posted much. Since that time, I've gotten back into a gym exercise routine.

  • Week 1: confused circuit around the gym; ran on treadmill and did machine weights
  • Week 2: started body shaping aerobics class 1x/wk - intense hour of cardio and weight training. Highly recommend it
  • Week 3: body shaping
  • Week 4: body shaping 2x/wk
  • Week 5: same
Was definitely sore the first 2 weeks after starting the class, less so on the 3rd week, so I started using heavier weights. Back to being sore this week.

Don't think I've lost any weight since getting back into an exercise routine, but I'm not worried. I can see that I'm less flabby, and some of my work clothes that didn't fit at all I can squeeze into now - hopefully they'll fit comfortably in a couple of months.

Week 10 recap

Sa-3 mile run
Mo-2 mile run
Tues- 2 mile walk
Wed-3 mile run, 2 mile walk
Thurs-2 mile run, 2 mile walk
Fri-3 mile run

Having a hard time being motivated to do pilates these days.  I need to work on that for the sake of my poor back.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

week 13 for Jessica

Mon: 30 Day Shred DVD, Level 1

Tues: 30 Day Shred DVD, Level 2

Wed: nothing

Thurs: nothing

Fri: No More Trouble Zones DVD + some jumping jacks

Sat: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD

Yay! I'm exercising again. I didn't think I'd missed it that much (because I didn't feel like exercising), but once I started, I felt so much better.


Week 9 recap

My ninth week of postpartum exercise marked two milestones: 1) My first 3 mile run postpartum and 2) My achievement of a weight-loss goal 3 months early!  I now fit into my clothes from England before I started exercising like mad.  I also can now zip up my favorite pre-preg pants!  They are a bit tight, but I could get away with wearing them if I wanted to.

So, basically, my metabolism seems to have kicked up a notch a couple weeks ago and the weight is starting to fly off, and I actually think I might be my pre-preg size again by Christmas; maybe even earlier!  I am very pleased, of course, as that is 6 months before I expected to.

Sat: ran 3 miles
Sun: break
Mon: ran 2 miles; 10 minutes pilates
Tues: ran 3 miles
Wed: ran 2 miles, walked 2 miles
Thurs: walked 2 miles
Fri: ran 2 miles

Friday, September 16, 2011


I still can't seem to get organized enough to write down what I am doing everyday, but I have been walking a lot- probably about 2-3 miles a day about 5 days a week. Because of the heat and humidity and tiny baby (which don't mix well :) ), I have walked in malls, outside early in the morning, or just around with Rebekah in the baby bjorn. I don't know how it is in CA, but here we have a lot of mall walkers! I saw a lot of moms and strollers too! Maybe I'll make a friend?

Also, I vaccumed and felt really good to have mopped my floor this week. I was really proud of that-It has been awhile :{

She's back?

Maybe? I keep trying, anyway. This time I have a new schedule, and hopefully a better plan to make yoga happen. I'm thinking I'll try posting weekly updates, like Jess and Kelly do, and hopefully that will help keep me on track.

So for the past week:

Thursday: yoga dvd, core
Candlelight Yoga (75 minute class)
Friday: yoga dvd, lower body

The goal is 4-5 days of dvd yoga each week, plus one class as long as I can afford it.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

weeks 11 & 12 for Jessica

I think I did a round of the 30 Day Shred at the beginning of week 11, but then I got the bright idea to write my husband a novel for his birthday, and all my exercise time disappeared. Totally worth it, but boy I'm gonna have a time of it this next week as I start working out again!


Friday, September 9, 2011


m/t/w--2 mile run
th--2 mile run plus 2 mile walk

the weight is going quicker than I expected (which is encouraging).  however, my hormones are unfortunately out of control again due to my cycle returning and I am struggling with panic attacks again.  I am going to try running 3 miles tomorrow and see if 'up'-ing the exercising helps.  I'm also drinking soy milk again to help. Hopefully that works.  In the past, my hormones didn't regulate till around month 7 or 8 postpartum.

Friday, September 2, 2011

challenging week

Sorry if this is tmi, but  I started my first postpartum period this week (just 3 months!  So not fair!).  This made exercising a bit more challenging as I was extra fatigued, crampy and was having panic attacks again due to the hormone surge.  Ah! However, I still managed to exercise although the workouts weren't as long or intense as last week (I basically scrapped pilates and ran one day less).

Jesse and the girls also started school this week and I'm having to get up and run at 7 before Jesse takes them to school (they start at 8:15).  I am not a morning person, so this has led to some humorous running episodes (like me falling asleep while running).  Ah, well.  I'm sure I 'll adjust with time.

S--ran 2 miles
M--ran 2 miles, 20 minutes Pilates
T/W--walked 2 miles
TH/F--ran 2 miles