Friday, September 30, 2011
Week 11 recap
M-jog 2 miles, 10 minutes pilates
T-jog 3 miles
W-jog 2 miles, 10 minutes pilates
Fri-jog 2 miles
Took it easier this week because I was just so dang tired and stressed from hormone issues. Next week should be better.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Week 15 for Jessica
Sunday: nothing
Monday: 30 Day Shred, Level 1
Tuesday: Ripped in 30, Level 3 (may I say: this one gave me a taste of the exercise-induced nausea I used to get in high school track! didn't puke, but did have a bit of that, "oh man, I'm getting light-headed here!" sensation in the last cardio circuit!)
- and that was it for the week, as I caught my kids' cold and just felt kind of crappy the rest of the week.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Week 14 for Jessica
Tues: nothing
Wed: Ripped in 30, Level 1
Thurs: Ripped in 30, Level 2
Fri: nothing
Saturday: Bob Harper Cardio Conditioning DVD - 60 min. section
Friday, September 23, 2011
yoga, week 2
Tuesday: yoga dvd
Wednesday: yoga dvd
Thursday: rest (my shoulders were hurting)
Friday: root canal - spent most of the day in bed from novocaine reaction and pain once it wore off. :(
Hopefully I'll be back to normal and back on the wagon on Monday!
The Past 5 Weeks
- Week 1: confused circuit around the gym; ran on treadmill and did machine weights
- Week 2: started body shaping aerobics class 1x/wk - intense hour of cardio and weight training. Highly recommend it
- Week 3: body shaping
- Week 4: body shaping 2x/wk
- Week 5: same
Week 10 recap
Mo-2 mile run
Tues- 2 mile walk
Wed-3 mile run, 2 mile walk
Thurs-2 mile run, 2 mile walk
Fri-3 mile run
Having a hard time being motivated to do pilates these days. I need to work on that for the sake of my poor back.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
week 13 for Jessica
Mon: 30 Day Shred DVD, Level 1
Tues: 30 Day Shred DVD, Level 2
Wed: nothing
Thurs: nothing
Fri: No More Trouble Zones DVD + some jumping jacks
Sat: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD
Yay! I'm exercising again. I didn't think I'd missed it that much (because I didn't feel like exercising), but once I started, I felt so much better.
Week 9 recap
So, basically, my metabolism seems to have kicked up a notch a couple weeks ago and the weight is starting to fly off, and I actually think I might be my pre-preg size again by Christmas; maybe even earlier! I am very pleased, of course, as that is 6 months before I expected to.
Sat: ran 3 miles
Sun: break
Mon: ran 2 miles; 10 minutes pilates
Tues: ran 3 miles
Wed: ran 2 miles, walked 2 miles
Thurs: walked 2 miles
Fri: ran 2 miles
Friday, September 16, 2011
Also, I vaccumed and felt really good to have mopped my floor this week. I was really proud of that-It has been awhile :{
She's back?
So for the past week:
Thursday: yoga dvd, core
Candlelight Yoga (75 minute class)
Friday: yoga dvd, lower body
The goal is 4-5 days of dvd yoga each week, plus one class as long as I can afford it.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
weeks 11 & 12 for Jessica
I think I did a round of the 30 Day Shred at the beginning of week 11, but then I got the bright idea to write my husband a novel for his birthday, and all my exercise time disappeared. Totally worth it, but boy I'm gonna have a time of it this next week as I start working out again!
Friday, September 9, 2011
th--2 mile run plus 2 mile walk
the weight is going quicker than I expected (which is encouraging). however, my hormones are unfortunately out of control again due to my cycle returning and I am struggling with panic attacks again. I am going to try running 3 miles tomorrow and see if 'up'-ing the exercising helps. I'm also drinking soy milk again to help. Hopefully that works. In the past, my hormones didn't regulate till around month 7 or 8 postpartum.
Friday, September 2, 2011
challenging week
Jesse and the girls also started school this week and I'm having to get up and run at 7 before Jesse takes them to school (they start at 8:15). I am not a morning person, so this has led to some humorous running episodes (like me falling asleep while running). Ah, well. I'm sure I 'll adjust with time.
S--ran 2 miles
M--ran 2 miles, 20 minutes Pilates
T/W--walked 2 miles
TH/F--ran 2 miles