I'm not exactly sure, as I'm doing the version that goes by time, not miles. But I'm running a loop that I estimate to be a bit shy of a quarter mile, and I make it around that about once every 1.5 minutes. So, the last week's workout was, maybe, a bit over a mile and a half? of actually running. Lots of walking.
This week's workout jumps the running time up a lot.
About how far are you currently jogging?
ReplyDeleteI'm not exactly sure, as I'm doing the version that goes by time, not miles. But I'm running a loop that I estimate to be a bit shy of a quarter mile, and I make it around that about once every 1.5 minutes. So, the last week's workout was, maybe, a bit over a mile and a half? of actually running. Lots of walking.
ReplyDeleteThis week's workout jumps the running time up a lot.