Saturday, January 26, 2013

Body Rev Cardio

Today I did the 60 min. section of Bob Harper's Body Rev Cardio Conditioning.  Yaaaaay . . . I want a smoothie.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Week 2

Tuesday: P90X Plyometrics
Wednesday: 10 minute slow jog on the treadmill (for once, I don't feel like I'm dragging my body along.  It's great!)
Thursday: P90X shoulders & arms (must get heavier weights to get more out of this workout)

I hope to get some more working out in before week's end, but I often fizzle out after Thursday.

Also, here's a link to the video of my son doing a P90X workout.  Unfortunately, I had the mic turned off, so the video loses some of its comic effect:

C25K, Week 1, Day 3

Same workout as before, only this time, in the rain!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

No More Trouble Zones

Did this DVD today - a bit of strength training to go along with all this running!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

C25K, workout 2

Pretty much the same as Monday's workout. Still feeling pretty good about this whole running thing!


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Couch to 5K, Day One

Today I did Day One of the Couch to 5K running plan. Although I did 25 minutes, not 20, just because of the route I chose. And I did a 5 minute walking warm-up and 7 minute walking cool-down. (The whole thing was 2.7 miles. Yay, GMap pedometer!)

But, oh-my-goodness! It didn't kill my knees! I've tried on and off in my adult life to use running as a regular part of my exercise routine and my knees always complain.

But this time, they didn't.

It makes me hope I might get to be a runner after all.

I really hope I can. It's such an efficient exercise, and you can do it outside. I love being outside. Sun and sky and trees = happy Jess.

I think every time I've tried before I've pushed too hard. This time, I'm following expert instruction and trying to do it right. And maybe it won't work, but I've a better shot at it, I think, if I rely on a proven method like this.

Oh! and also! every time I was running I was actually running not just jogging. The 90 seconds walking in between every 60 seconds running was just enough recovery to let me actually run when I was running. And going . . . well, not fast, but at a decent speed is definitely more fun that slowly plodding along. Which is what's happened to me before when I've tried to run the whole time.

I might not be able to really do this plan whole hog till it gets a bit lighter, just because of child care issues. But maybe I can modify it for weekend use, or do some of it with Adam when he's home. (He's interested, and we figure we can go to a park and run around the kids while they play on the grass.)

Anyway. Yay! running! <-- and="and" for="for" me="me" new.="new." p="p" s="s" something="something" that="that">

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Week 1

So this week was basically a bust for me.  I attempted to do the first P90X workout (chest and back - my least favorite of the set) with my hubby on Monday.  Unfortunately, I just couldn't get my head into it, so I did 10 minutes on the treadmill instead.  I ran a little and walked a little and was basically all over the place.

Tuesday was a bit better, but not much.  I was on the treadmill for 15 minutes walking uphill.

And that was it for the week.

My three year old, on the other hand, is very enthusiastic about P90X and started a workout all by himself yesterday.  I have some video of him interacting with Tony Horton and will have it posted on my blog soon.

Goals for Week 2:
P90X on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Treadmill on one of the off days.

Pure Burn Super Strength

Today I did the 60 min. section of Bob Harper's "Pure Burn Super Strength." Ow, again. As usual. (But, yay, endorphins!)


Friday, January 18, 2013

Extreme Shed and Shred

Or is it Shred and Shed? I dunno. I did Level II though!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Yoga for the Warrior

Today I did the 60 min. section of Bob Harper's "Yoga for the Warrior" - though it's really more like 56 min., and the first two and last ten are just stretching.

Still! Challenging and relaxing at the same time. There's a lot to be said for power yoga.


p.s. We're still dealing with the cold-that-never-ends at our house. Ugh. It's throwing off our schedules, hence the couple of days without a workout.

Monday, January 14, 2013


One of my Christmas presents this year was the Zumba 2 game for Wii. Way too much fun.

Today I did 24 minutes of Zumba, about 6 songs, and I think all but one was medium intensity.

Not a lot of muscle-building, but great cardio! (It's less painful when you're having fun!)


Sunday, January 13, 2013


I managed to squeeze a workout in this week.  Actually, it was more of a "fun" activity than a workout - my hubby and I towed our son to the neighborhood park in our new bike trailer.  Or rather, my husband towed, and I followed.  Not surprisingly, he got the more intense workout, but there are plenty of inclines in our neighborhood, so I did get some good leg work in.  And my lungs were tested, too - going to have to work on both my endurance and my leg strength.

Friday, January 11, 2013

1/11/13 workout for Jess

Today I did the long (about 45 minutes) workout on Bob Harper's Totally Ripped Core.

Gosh, Harper just makes it very clear that the common conception of abdominal crunches being ineffective only exists because every other instructor out there is a wuss. He has you do them fast, without rest, and at a variety of angles and oh my gosh does it hurt.

Also? His plank circuits are vicious enough that you're relieved when you finally get to do stand up and do insane-jumping-around cardio stuff. Only not for long, because the insane-jumping-around cardio stuff is vicious, too.

But it's so well-designed. None of the pain is injury-inducing pain, just muscles-being-pushed-to-get-stronger pain. Love this workout.


(I might double-post this to my other blog, as a review. I'll have to check and see if I've reviewed this DVD there already.)

ETA: I did review it already! Here's a link, if you're interested:

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Jess 1/9/13

Did the 30 Day Shred today, Level 3.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Shed and Shred

So, encouraged by Yolanda, I'm going to start posting my workouts here again.

Today I did Level 2 of Jillian Michaels' "Shed and Shred". Ouch, ouch, ouch.

Best/worst/most creative bit of torture? Push-up-jacks: Start in plank, lower down to push-up position while shooting your legs out in a plank jack at the same time. Push up, bringing legs back together at the center. Ow, ow, ow.
