Sun-Thurs: nothing
Friday: Personal Training with Jackie
Saturday: nothing
Oh well. Onward!
Sun-Thurs: nothing
Friday: Personal Training with Jackie
Saturday: nothing
Oh well. Onward!
Felt great to do this!
AND . . . as of this week, I'm back to being able to do two pull-ups in a row! that's what I was able to do in the spring, before I got sick. And I'm back to it! I'm so psyched! Three-in-a-row, here I come!
I went to a retreat this weekend, and one of the things I was thinking about was what refreshes me. Three of the things were exercise, silence and the out-of-doors.
Which made me wonder if I wanted to start running. Because that could combine all three. (Just thinking about trying it somehow on cardio days - I'm not giving up my weight-lifting!)
So, here's my question for you ladies who run: how do you handle safety issues? That's kind of a weird question, because I actually feel safe walking by myself in our neighborhood, but running seems different somehow. Maybe it's all those news stories that seem to involve bad things happening to female joggers. On the other hand, those female joggers always seem to be running through parks alone in the dark . . . anyway, I'd be running on main streets in the (early) daylight.
Is this something you're worried about? And what precautions do you take? Thanks for the input!
ETA: I'm thinking about driving over and running on the university track. That'd let me run barefoot (it's an artificial track surface), which is how I'd want to go, I think. Plus, that might help a lot with my safety concerns. Anyone tried a track instead of the street or park?
Thanks for answering my
Katie, my favorite go-to snacks are fruits and veg - just whatever we had in our CSA basket this week. And as for portable, apples and citrus transport pretty well, and soft fruits can be washed and bagged or put in a tupperware. Cucumber slices and carrots carry well in baggies. I pretty much only cook for meals. Snacks are more likely to be a wash-and-chop affair!
I also really like almonds and sunflower seeds, and the kids dig Trader Joe's dried bananas and dried mango and sesame seed crepes (Katie P introduced me to those!), though the last does have a fair amount of sugar and is processed - but very portable and has a fair amount of protein. Oh! And hard-boiled eggs! The kids like them and I do too. If you boil them with salt in the water they're great right out of the shell.
And - not portable - my favorite snacky snack is popcorn. I air pop it and add melted butter, salt (you can get popcorn salt that's finely ground so it sticks better) and grated Parmesan cheese. Soooo good. And not high calorie if you go light on the butter.
Hope it helps, and I'm looking forward to read the others' suggestions!
Yesterday. Looks like it might be just one workout this week for me - yipes! All I can say is our heat wave just did a number on me. I felt awful all week: eyes dry, headaches, ick. I don't do heat well.
But I ate well this week, so that's good. I feel like I'm still learning what "normal" eating is like for my non-pregnant, non-nursing self. I didn't know much about nutrition until I got pregnant and started researching it, and now (this month? next?) it's been a year since I stopped nursing. So, six years of learning about nutrition while nursing and/or pregnant, and now a year of learning how to feed just me. I'm getting there. But I'm still amazed at how different what my body needs is from what my mind (and mouth) want. It's said over and over again, but our culture (particularly advertisements) lead me to expect that I should be eating so much more than I really should. As I try to put the principles I've learned into practice, I'm finding it odd and hard, and I'm surprised that I'm surprised at that. I guess what I'm really getting at is that this is the first time I've really taken this knowledge ("calories in < or =" calories">It's just really weird, realizing that everything they say about our eating culture is true. (And, when you think about how our culture simultaneously idolizes skinniness, it begins to look downright S&M. Unhealthy on both extremes at the same time.)
Hope this is okay to share. It's just been on my mind a lot as I've been working on learning how to feed myself when no one else is literally sucking calories out of me! (Now, figuratively sucking energy - that we can talk about!)
Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell
Sunday: Dance with Julianne: Cardio Ballroom
Monday: Personal Training with Jackie + pull-ups
Tuesday: nothing
Wednesday: nothing
Thursday: nothing
Friday: Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown, Levels 1 & 2
Saturday: No More Trouble Zones + pull-ups
Yesterday. Not today. Today I went to church, came home and had lunch and journaled and started devouring Dr Who: The Writer's Tale, also devoured some Ben and Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch (the best ice cream in the entire world and ENTIRELY worth the calorie count - once in awhile), thought I was going to write some of my "fun story" (that's what I call it in my head; it's your basic space opera), but instead found that I was in exactly the right place to finish a scene in the "real novel" (also a nickname from the world of my head, for the WIP I'm supposed to be finishing), did that and now am looking forward to reading yet MORE Writer's Tale. Will resume proper health practices tomorrow. Today was for my head and my heart.\
Ow, ow, ow . . . I did levels 1 & 2 of this (skipped the warm-up on Level 2, 'cause I was already warmed up). This is one I could see buying someday (tried it via Netflix), because I think there's a lot of room for growth here! Did I say "ouch" yet? All the holding halfway down in push-up poses . . . and now that I've tried it, I really want to get good at the crow pose.
Anyway, most of the idea here seemed to be taking the "power" yoga poses and going in and out of them for several repetitions, and then when you were really sore, going back into them and holding them for a while. Love it! But I did miss the serenity of a Rodney Yee yoga DVD, just because Jillian talks and talks and talks . . . lots of it helpful to getting the poses right, but still, not totally peaceful. She did make yoga into a real workout though.
I got up early this morning and had my devotions and worked out. I always want to do this, but don't always actually do it. But I'm really glad I did this today, because after I did, my son came to the top of the stairs and said, "I need to throw up." And he did. So . . . it's probably going to be a long day, and I'm very grateful I've already done my stuff, because I'm going to need to concentrate on my poor sicko the rest of today, I think.
p.s. Yesterday, I went swimming for the first time since I had Lasik. Wow! I could swim on my back, looking up at the sky, and actually see the leaves on the eucalyptus trees and the gorgeous daytime moon floating in the sky and everything. It was beautiful!
Whew! This one is so much fun, but it leaves me soooo out of breath. But it's so pretty. This is the sort of dance DVD that makes you want to be in better shape just so that you can do the dances more skillfully. I especially enjoyed the Paso Doble this time around.
Sunday: nothing
Monday: Personal Training with Jackie + pull-ups
Tuesday: nothing
Wednesday: 10 Minute Solution: Fat Blasting Dance Mix, 3/5 circuits
Thursday: No More Trouble Zones + pull-ups
Friday: Yoga Booty Ballet (ick, hack, yuck!)
Saturday: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism, 5.5/7 circuits
I have to say: this blog has been so good for me. I'm exercising much more consistently than I was when we started it. Thanks, ladies!
Did 5.5/7 circuits of this yesterday, and Katie P., yes, you may borrow it, as long as you bring it back before the loss of it lets me get lazy and fat. ;) It's always nice to try things out before you buy them. Let me know when you want to stop by and pick it up.
First, potty training is actually going really well. Better than it went with either of my other two year olds! Both of the girls seem to get #1, so it's #2 we're working on. Some progress there but . . . we've got a ways to go.
Still! Neither of my first two were ready this early, and I'm actually kind of thrilled. We've got a ways to go, but the progress we're making is enough to keep me from moving them back to diapers, and if you know me and my history with hating potty training, that's saying something.
Christa, is it bad that now I want to try a Denise Austin workout, just to enjoy the goofiness? It can't be worse than yoga booty ballet!
Katie P - I don't have any great tips about sleep, but lots of sympathy. It'll get better soon, but I hope that, for your sake, it gets better sooner. (And the construction noise- ugh! I still just want to KILL anyone who interrupts naptime! I wouldn't, but it drives me (irrationally, I suppose) NUTS. Sorry that happened to you.)
Sorry also for the hard family-and-friends stuff. You're doing amazingly to be dealing with hard emotional stuff and still keeping up the good habits that you've established. I think it helps so much when we can keep up habits during hard times. Not just because it makes the hard time easier to get through, but because it makes it easier to get back to normal once they're over and the pressure is off. At least, that's been my experience.
I understand the whole being-healthy-but-not-satisfied thing, but I have to be honest, I'd take a peaceful mind over rock hard abs, any day. So, I'd go with your gut and skip the diet, and just keep up the bad habits. U. S. dollars to sand that's the way both a good body and a peaceful mindset, long term. Just my two cents! :)
Amie - I'm so glad Julie's off dialysis and home with her baby. Such good news!
How's potty training going at your house? It sounds like it's good? is that right? Either way, good for you for going for it with a little (er) one in the house! That's what really intimidated me the first two times - what to do with the younger ones while the older ones need that one-on-one attention to learn this new skill.
And I'm sorry to hear that p90x takes that much time every day. It otherwise sounds like a program I'd be really interested in. Is it the sort of program you could split into 45 minute sessions and just take twice as long to get through?
Katie J. - I hope you like Personal Training with Jackie when you get it! I hope your hip gets better.
Kelly - congratulations on the long run! Hope the scheduling change goes over okay. I'm working right now on booting us back up into a schooltime schedule - both for me and the kids homeschooling, and because Adam's schedule changes when the university gets going again.
Oh for Pete's sake. These videos had some of the creepiest people I've ever seen on an exercise DVD. And that was after I skipped the floofy-New-Age-y-not-so-much-yoga-as-rich-L.A.-ladies-who-think-they-understand-Eastern-philosophy meditation bits.
So, um, yeah. Not a fan. The dance parts (which were the parts I did - I tried the dance parts from two different DVDs) were definitely aerobic and parts were very fun, but I just couldn't get over the creepies. Some of the dancers were fine, and I tried to look at them to see how to do the moves, but there were two or three that just gave me the heebie-jeebies (including at least one, possibly both of the instructors) and they were all on the screen far too much of the time.
Ick. I think I need to take a shower. And not just because I just worked out.
Yep. And nothing yesterday, 'cause we were potty-training, and I was stressed out. But the potty-training is going well . . . well . . . well-enough-to-be-going-on-with. So. Onward.
Eh. The 10 Minute Solution DVDs can be good, but I think combining that format with dancing is a bad idea, because you don't have enough time to work up to a good routine. I did 3 out of 5 circuits of this yesterday. Don't think I'll do it again.
Monday: Personal Training with Jackie + pull-ups
Tuesday: 10 Minute Solution: Carb Burner (minus one scratched circuit)
Wednesday: nothing
Thursday: No More Trouble Zones + pull-ups
Friday: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism
Saturday: nothing
I would like to say that I think, three days later, that my calves are still a little sore from all the jumping in Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism.
Personal Training with Jackie + pull-ups today.
Did this today.
Katie P. - I thought of you while I was doing this because there's a move in there called "standing mountain-climbers", and I remembered how you say the regular ones are your nemesis. It made me wonder if you'd think standing ones were better or worse. :)
Did these today.
But, more importantly, congratulations, Katie! Below pre-pregnancy weight is splendid. I'm so happy for you!
Oh, I have another lovely youtube clip for you ladies. This is what I did today:
Borrowed it from the library and, sadly, the section I was most interested in - the high intensity circuit with the jumping - was scratchy and I couldn't do it. So, I did four out of five. Not terrible, but not the burn you get with a Jillian DVD. Still, fun to do something new on a cardio day.
But isn't that lady the perkiest and cheeriest and aerobiciest of the perky cheerleader-y aerobics instructors you've ever seen? Adam's theory is it's how she holds her hands, with the wrists cocked out to the sides. The kick-boxing section just cracked me up. "And punch, and punch . . ." :D Yeah. That there's not knocking out anyone, lady.
Now that I'm getting back into a routine of working out every day (yay!), I'm trying to do weight-heavy DVDs one day, and cardio-heavy ones the next. So, it's usually Jackie or Jillian on weight days, but I can pick my poison on cardio days, which is kind of fun. I have a bunch of stuff on request from the library to try out. Honestly, even when it's not amazing, like today, I still enjoy switching it up - but only when I have my nice, familiar strength-training workouts to anchor me.
I also like (and this is new - I remember when it wasn't true) feeling like I'm in good enough shape that I can try something new without being afraid that I'm not going to be able to do it creditably. I mean, I still screw up new moves (I still screw up old moves), but I'm not scared that I'm going to die. (Except when it comes to Pilates. And then I'm scared my neck is going to die. And P90X. Because everyone dies with P90X, right? Still want to try it someday. Amie, do you have to do it an hour a day for it to work?)
This, plus pull-ups. Nice to be able to do that again!
Katie P. - It doesn't sound stupid to wonder how you keep your eyes open - I remember wondering that when I first heard about this sort of surgery!
About weights: I don't know if it helps, but I think you can increase by more than 2 lbs. at a time if you're willing to have, say, your 5s out and your 10s out, and start with the 10s and then switch to the 5s when you need to. I do that a lot. That method lets me work my way into using heavier weights, but I don't need so many sets of dumbells. You just have to give yourself permission to switch back to the lower weight in the middle of the set. I find that if I plan to switch, I don't feel badly doing it. And that really does help me gradually increase what I can do with the heavier weight. I'll even do, say, half of the first set with the heavier weights and half with the lighter, and then do the entire second set with the lighter weights.
And that's a cute little girl in that jogging stroller. :)
Kelly - I've had the same experience of eating better (and often less) when I'm exercising regularly. And it might be the heightened bodily awareness, but honestly, I kind of just think it's because I'm happier then. Food is a comfort drug. It is. It gives you that nice, buzzy, unfocused feeling. Lovely. But, for me, exercise stops my brain thinking awhile too - it's so intensely physical that when I'm doing it I can kind of switch off my thinking, at least a little bit. And I think all the time. Sometimes I think I'm an introvert just because I'm talking so much inside my head that I can't stand to hear talking on the outside too.
So, if exercise is giving me that nice unfocusing buzz, I don't need food to do it at much.
And, rereading that, I am also realizing I'm a little weird.
But really, it's an egg-and-chicken thing, I don't know which comes first, and they tend to build on each other, but I feel better when I exercise, and I only really exercise when I'm feeling pretty good. If I can start up either the feeling good or the exercising, the other will inevitably follow. And if I'm feeling pretty good, I don't so much need to eat junk.
It spirals the other way too, of course. Sadly. But it's good to know the good way it spirals, because sometimes I can use good habits to catch myself when I'm spiraling down. And the good habits - even when I'm not feeling them - can turn me around. Not all the time, of course. But they certainly help. Good habits are like the little trees on a cliff in a Looney Tunes cartoon - enough of them catching at your clothes as you fall down the cliff will eventually slow you, and if you're Bugs Bunny and not Wile E. Coyote, one of them will eventually hook you and stop your fall. Ha.
I'm not sure how to make sure I'm Bugs Bunny.
No, really, I think it's always the good grace of the Holy Spirit that stops us, and His grace that prompts us to pray to the Father to ask for help when we're falling. But I think that sometimes He (never wasteful) uses the grooves of our good habits (the ones that He's helped us learn) to help set us on our way again. And that might have very little to do with food, which is, after all, not as important as the body itself, or the person herself. And I know that. But sometimes it works like that, I think, that He uses what He's already taught us, reminds us of the things we already know how to do, to help us recover.
Katie J. - the food journaling doesn't seem to take too long; I just keep the site in an open tab (I use Opera as my internet browser) and add to it throughout the day. It's only tricky when I eat something that's not in there, but I don't mind guessing or getting a close substitute. It's only as useful as it is easy, for me anyway, so I don't let it take too much time!
I'm so sorry about your injury! Don't feel bad about "just" lifting weights though - I think a weight routine can do a lot more than people give it credit for! I hope you can find a physical therapist that can help, though, so you can get back to the exercise you really like.
Also, I like your idea of doing the yard for fun, health and, someday, profit. :)
Christa - I think your comment on working out with Barbie demands that you give us a description of the clothes the instructor was wearing. Were they neon? Spandax? Neon Spandex? Neon Spandex . . . . with ruffles? :D
Okay, and now I'm curious: does anyone else exercise partly because it shuts your brain up for a little while, and lets your body have its turn? I honestly feel like exercise helps keep me balanced, because I could live so easily in my head - but I like the physical world, and I do better when I'm more connected to it. Anyone else like that at all?
Sunday: Crunch: Fat Burning Dance Party
Monday: No More Trouble Zones
Tuesday: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism (5/7 circuits)
Wednesday: Personal Training with Jackie (minus abs)
Thursday: nothing
Friday: jogged/walked/ran about 3 miles
Saturday: walked about 1.5 miles, and hiked some too
Note to Emily: that figure-8 loop at the campsite was about 0.78 miles. I'm guessing there, because our odometer only goes out to a tenth of a mile, but it flipped to .8 pretty soon after we completed the loop.