Saturday, December 31, 2011
Week 30 for Jess
Tues: Biggest Winner Maximize: Back in Action
Wed: 30 Day Shred, Level 3
Thurs: walked around Knott's Berry Farm all day
Fri: 30 Day Shred, Level 1
Sat: yoga class with Emiy - so fun!
12/28 note - It feels so good to get back to basics!
12/31 note - first week in a long time that I worked out all week. It feels so good; I missed working out so much. I think if I get sick again, I'm going to work out anyway - maybe just walking, but something, because I feel so much better when I exercise.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Emily's week 16
Sunday - nothing (Christmas!)
Monday - restorative yoga (about 15 minutes, just to loosen me up a bit)
Tuesday - restorative yoga (60 minutes)
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - nothing
Friday - nothing
Monday, December 26, 2011
Week 29:
Sunday-Tues: nothing
Wednesday: "Biggest Winner: Maximize: Back In Action" - longest DVD title ever (I could have added "Jillian Michaels'", but a nice, short, intense workout. A good first one back.)
Thursday: "Biggest Winner: Maximize: Full Frontal" (another Jillian Michaels - matching DVD to the one I did yesterday)
Fri-Sat: nothing
Back to it!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Emily's week 15
Sunday - nothing
Monday - nothing
Tuesday - restorative yoga (60 minutes)
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - vinyasa yoga (60 minutes)
Friday - nothing
With Jonathan on vacation, I was able to get to an extra class this week (8am classes don't work when I have to take him to school at that time!) Katie Peckham and I traded babysitting today so I could go to yoga at 8am and then she went to the gym at 9:30. It worked out beautifully, and we're going to do it again next week!
Monday, December 19, 2011
spinning plates and low expectations
I tend to set expectations way too high and then feel discouraged, so for this season I have three each day clean laundry, no dishes in the sink, and time with God to set the tone for our home. These are my priorities and I find my day is successful when I have completed them. I have other things I try and get done but don't allow myself to get overly discouraged when the sun goes down and they are left incomplete. This, for this time, has allowed me to focus on my kids and their needs more then I would normally be able to and just cherish moments instead of being caught up in to dos.
Thanks for encouraging me gals I've loved reading your post and being challenged to exercise even though I am a silent participant :-)
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Emily's week 14
Sunday - nothing
Monday - nothing
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - nothing
Friday - nothing
Thank you, everyone! It is encouraging to hear that I'm not the only one who can't keep all the plates spinning all the time. :)
I especially liked what Yolanda said here:
"But it can be a challenge to keep my priorities in check and avoid stressing about all the other items on the to do list that have to fall by the wayside."
This is exactly my problem: I think that everything is (or should be) a priority, and get frustrated when that (obviously) doesn't work.
Kelly, your goal of something for the family and something for you each day made me think more clearly about what I actually do during the day. For the family, dinner and/or laundry tend to be my priorities. For me it is usually an orderly house (I get really stressed by visual messes) and/or reading for pleasure. And once I really thought about it, I realized that exercise just doesn't have the same importance to me as either of those. Hmm. Now to decide if it should, or if I should just quit internalizing the culture's stick-thin expectations...!
Jess, your comment about it not being sloth, but rather "triage" made me laugh, and I think you're absolutely right! My whole life is one big triage room right now. :) Thinking about it that way is helpful.
So again, thank you for your encouragement and wise counsel. I'm blessed to know you girls!
Friday, December 16, 2011
dropping plates
Ironically, I, one of the more regular exercisers here, dropped exercising off for this last month due to health issues and I still had to drop housework on top of that because of other circumstances!!!
So my approach (and this may not be the wisest), but I mark two goals each day as the 'must-have' goals: one is the must-have for my happiness (exercise is usually this. Sometimes sewing. Sometimes a nap); the second is the must be done for the happiness of the family (usually this is dinner. If I luck out and there are enough leftovers, then it becomes another chore. Sometimes it is doing an art project with the kids and then we have cereal for dinner or smthg equally easy and silly.)
In other words, our household is always running a bit behind somewhere and I have come to terms that this just happens when you have small children. I think our memories of our parents households having it together have a lot to do with us being teenagers helping out with the chores!!!
I think that this season of our lives is more about training than anything else. We are training ourselves to be disciplined and training our children (not just in character, but in helping out around the house). And I think this means that things get done less as a result now for the purpose of being taken care of in the future, if that makes sense.
I'm not saying that I don't get annoyed with the seemingly continual chaos, messes and lack of accomplishments, but I realize that what is more important is my attitude than anything else. And, that brings me back to the main reason I exercise: my mental health.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Mystical Magical Art of Plate Spinning
Monday, December 12, 2011
a bye week
I think you're right: we can't do it all. At least not all the time. So I cycle things. I attend to one thing and get that plate spinning, then leave it to continue on with its momentum, and turn to the next thing and get it spinning faster, and so on.
I think you have to be okay with saying, "this part of my life isn't stellar right now" but only if you're ending that sentence with "because there is something else more important that I'm attending to". So, not sloth, just triage.
I'm guessing that you never reach a point of life where this isn't necessary, and our dissatisfaction comes with assuming that we will reach that point, and so we get angry that we're not there yet. But I don't think there's any "there" there. Or rather, no "there" here. There is certainly a rest to come for God's people. And He gives to his beloved sleep, even here on earth.
But I do think that part of wisdom is the ability to say, "this now, and not this". And then not to get stuck in that evaluation when the situation changes.
Which it always does.
I hate change. I'm just saying. Golly, everything should stay the same forever and I should just be allowed to sit on the couch reading and drinking coffee.
(Okay, that last bit was my thirty-something angst, not my ideal self. Heh.)
Friday, December 9, 2011
Emily's week 13
Sunday - nothing
Monday - nothing
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - nothing
Friday - nothing
Phooey. This is not going as planned.
Ok, girls, I want to know if the rest of you have the same problem I have. Namely that something always gets dropped each week. Every week I'm aiming for a clean house, clean laundry, healthy meals, quality kid time (reading, preschool, park, play, etc.) and exercise. (And church work and doula work and getting-ready-for Christmas, of course.) Every week something gets dropped. If I'm exercising, it is a good bet that my house isn't clean or I'm not paying enough attention to the kids. Rationally, it doesn't seem like it should be this way, but practically that does seem to be how it plays out.
Is this just me? How do you manage to keep all the plates spinning at once?
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Emily's week 12
Sunday - yoga class (75 minutes)
Monday - nothing
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - nothing
Friday - nothing
Well gee, I'm glad I went to those classes on the weekend! ;)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
taking a step back
That is true and, in hindsight, I do think I was pushing my body to hard. I plan on starting exercising again next week, but I am going to just plan on simple workouts and I will add more on a day to day basis only if I have the energy and not because I feel compelled to. Yes, it may not keep the panic attacks completely at bay, but, my body doesn't have the energy to do otherwise right now. And, honestly, it is okay if I need to rely on people once in a while to help me when my hormones get out of control. I don't always need to be completely self-sufficient.
In other news, I am in my favorite pre-preg pants again!!! I ironically lost more weight in the last couple weeks after I stopped exercising.
Monday, November 28, 2011
another week off
Darn my body!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
11 Holiday Dessert Recipes You'll Love:
Friday, November 25, 2011
Emily's week 11
Sunday - nothing
Monday - walking stairs at the park (about 20 minutes)
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - running/walking/carrying heavy objects (45 minutes)
Thursday - nothing
Friday - heavy yard work (1 hour and 45 minutes)
This week has been about fitting things in (I've been extra busy, trying to catch up after the birth last week and then getting ready for Thanksgiving). Also about resting my wrist, which is hurting consistently. So my workouts were kind of creative. :) But they sure raised my heart rate, and I'm proud of myself for doing something, and not letting busy-ness and pain be an excuse not to try.
Also, here is my winterized garden!
Before (look at the size of that plant!!)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Weeks 23 & 24 for Jess
Week 24:
Sunday: nothing
Monday: nothing
Tuesday: 27/40 minutes of Personal Training with Jackie DVD
Wednesday: nothing
Thursday: No More Trouble Zones DVD
Friday: nothing
Saturday: nothing
Hey! I worked out twice! I'm still sick, but not working out was starting to make me feel crappy, so I worked out a couple of times anyway.
If I was really smart, I might sleep at least 8 hours a night too . . .
Friday, November 18, 2011
Emily's week 10
Monday - yoga zone dvd (22 minutes)
Tuesday - yoga at the park (about 20 minutes while the kids played!)
Wednesday - nothing (resting my wrist which has been hurting)
Thursday - birth support
Friday - birth support
Well, this is a fabulous week. Good for me. :)
I am SO SORE from the birth! Counter-pressure, and leaning over a bed at odd angles, and supporting a "limp and loose" mama who is leaning all her weight on you, and squatting in front of her as she sits on a birth ball (not to mention staying up all night...) that is some workout!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Good Week
I can't remember what day was what (still coming out of the sick/baby fog from last month), but my goal was to do Bob 3x, walk at least 5 days, and the bike 2x, with a smattering of yard work. I missed a day on the bike, and didn't as long of walks in as I wanted everyday, but pretty much met the goal.
Week 22 for Jess
Monday: 30 Day Shred, Level 1
Tuesday: nothing
Wednesday: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism
Thursday: Dancing with the Stars: Cardio Dance (jive section)
Friday: Personal Training with Jackie (40 min. circuit)
Saturday: nothing
This was a great week. And I had extra incentive: I bet my brother $10 that I could lose 10 lbs. before he could (which might be a bit nuts, considering how much taller than me he is!) and we're going to be weighing in once a week. If we both hit the 10 lb. mark at the same time, we're gonna go spend the money together. (thanks to Yolanda for the inspiration!)
It's totally fun - nothing like a little competition to get things moving!
Week 21 for Jess
I'm blaming my pulled tooth; I just hurt all week.
But, back at it today, so hopefully this will be the week-of-getting-back-to-normal.
Last week
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Recap of Last Week
Monday, November 7, 2011
recap (not so much)
I did enjoy a break from running for a few days and used my parents' exercise bike. Although I prefer running, I have found that every so often its nice to give my muscles a break and alter things up a bit.
The increased cardio continues to help with my hormonal imbalance. No real problems the last couple weeks.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Week 20 for Jessica
Monday - 30 Day Shred, Level 1
And then that's it. Because I got sick AGAIN. Argh! I'm so sick of being sick. I'm hoping this is the end of it.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Emily's week 8
Sunday - nothing
Monday - nothing
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - yoga, my pace (30 minutes)
Thursday - nothing, sick
Friday - nothing, sick
Hopefully I'll feel better in time for the yoga class tomorrow morning!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Crazy Weeks All Around
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Weeks 18 & 19 for Jessica
On Monday of Week 18, I did the 30 Day Shred, Level 1.
And that's it! the first week, it was because I got caught up in writing. This last week, it was because 5 of the 6 of us got sick (including me).
So, you know, back to the drawing board!
Friday, October 28, 2011
mon--4 miles
tues--4 miles
wed--2 miles, 20 minutes pilates
thurs--4 miles
fri-1 mile speed run. 8 min 10 seconds. my record pre-preg was 7 min 30 seconds.
Emily's week 7
Sunday - nothing
Monday - nothing
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - No OM dvd (15 minutes)
Friday - dance party with the boys (10 minutes), yoga at my own pace (20 minutes)
It has been a nutty week. Hopefully I'll get back on track now.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
snacks and water tip
However, my quick go-to snack is a rice cake with peanut butter and honey on top. Simple, easy and quick. I also like to snack on pickles and beef jerky. Ok. I guess I realize now this isn't helpful because none of these are really satisfying for a sweet tooth.
One GREAT tip, though, I got from my midwife: when you drink your water, squeeze a slice of lemon into it and add a little honey and a pinch of salt. It makes the water more tasty and instead of the water working to flush out the nutrients in your body, your body absorbs the nutrients in the water!!!!
My biggest tip is the more water you drink the less stuff you crave. I really mean it. Every time I have a craving, I first drink at least two glasses of water and I usually find that the craving has diminished.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Last week
Bran Muffins
I literally eat these with milk or coffee/milk everyday. They are high fiber and low in calories and contain only fruit and honey to sweeten them. Enjoy!
Oh, and last week I walked and did Bob's pure strength workout again (1/2 one day and 1/2 the next). I still feel it today and have to break up the strength training with the walks. It is perfect for someone like me who has hip troubles, but is otherwise in good shape. Often after a workout with Jillian, the jumping and cardio segments would set off my bursitis.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Emily's week 6
Sunday - nothing
Monday - No OM yoga dvd (30 minutes)
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - No OM yoga dvd (15 minutes)
Thursday - nothing - dang it, I totally had time and actually FORGOT!
Friday - more dental work :(
My right wrist and shoulder are acting up again. This appears to be my permanent nemesis, and may necessitate a visit to a physical therapist.
Because of the wrist and shoulder, I'm mostly doing core and lower body yoga with the No OM dvd. My favorite is the lower body workout, although I find that I wish she would do the same flow of movements in twice as much time. While I get the reason for the 15 minute segments (heck, that's what attracted me in the first place!) I feel rushed through the poses. Maybe I'll work on memorizing the flow, and then aim to complete it in 30 minutes instead of 15? Something to think about.
week recap
But, needless to say, I have stopped taking the pill and am now back to square one with figuring out how to self-regulate my hormones. The next attempt, which is probably the most effective, is to step up my cardio to 40-45 minutes a day. I have been aiming primarily for just 20-30 these days. I've been doing that W/Th/F and feeling great.
Mon-2.5 miles
Wed,Thurs, Fri--4 miles
Monday, October 17, 2011
Granola bar recipe
2 cups rolled oats
1 cup WW pastry flour
1/4 cup sucanat (or brown sugar)
3/4 cup raisins
1/2 cup wheat germ
1/2 t salt
1 t cinnamon
1/2 cup melted coconut oil (or butter)
1/3 cup honey
2 eggs
2 t vanilla
approx. 1 cup add ins (I use about 1 T. chia seeds, maybe 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips, and fill the rest of the cup with well chopped walnuts.)
Preheat the oven to 350 deg. Line a 9x13 pan with foil or parchment paper and coat with a little oil. Combine the dry ingredients, then combine the wet ingredients separately (I usually just use my 2 cup glass measuring cup) Pour the wet into the dry and stir until well blended. Press evenly into a pan - I find a piece of parchment paper makes this a lot easier!
Bake 25 to 30 minutes - it is done when it is starting to turn golden. It usually takes 25 min in my oven. Let cool completely then turn out onto a cutting board. Cut into bars or squares and store in an airtight container.
Last week's workouts
Saturday, October 15, 2011
kelly recap
sun-3 miles. 20 minutes pilates
mon-2 miles, 20 min pilates
tues-2 miles, 25 min pilates
wed-4 miles
thurs-2 miles
fri-2 miles
Friday, October 14, 2011
Emily, week 5
Sunday - nothing
Monday - No OM yoga dvd (30 minutes)
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - No OM yoga dvd (15 minutes)
Friday - nothing
I'm not thrilled with the way this week went. We had car repairs to deal with (boy, do those ever mess up the daily plans!) and I've also been feeling really sick for the past 10 days or so. Nothing new; the familiar fatigue and headaches have just gotten a lot worse. As of Thursday I'm following my doctor's suggestion to remove gluten from my diet. She says that if I do that for 30 days, it should become very obvious if that is the problem or not. I can't decide if I hope it IS the problem (at least then I'd know what is wrong) or if it ISN'T (at least then I wouldn't have to completely change the way I eat).
I hope you don't mind if I include a little nutrition in my posts, since this is kind of all part of getting healthy for me right now. And honestly, I'm very discouraged and could use some prayer and accountability for both exercise AND nutrition right about now.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Week 17 for Jessica
Sunday: nothing
Monday: 30 Day Shred, Level 3
Tuesday: 30 Day Shred, Level 2
. . . . aaaaaaand then, nothing, not for the rest of the week. I'm sorry, it was over 100 degrees, and that's just not RIGHT in October. I made a conscious decision to wait for cooler weather. So, an unproductive week, work-out-wise, but not a bad one health-wise.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Week 16 for Jessica
Sunday: walking around the Huntington (not a lot - just a bit of wandering)
Monday: Ripped in 30, Level 4 (easier than Level 3 - what is it with Jillian's videos saving the hardest workout for the middle?)
Tuesday: nothing
Wednesday: Ripped in 30, Level 1
Thursday: nothing
Friday: Ripped in 30, Level 2
Saturday: Ripped in 30, Level 3
A good week!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Emily's week 4
Sunday - restorative yoga class (90 minutes)
Monday - Yoga Prayer dvd (20 minutes)
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - Yoga Prayer dvd (15 minutes)
Friday -nothing
I really wanted to get a little more exercise in today, but started my period and that was the end of that idea. I haven't been eating properly lately, which is stupid, because when I don't I have miserable periods. :( Still my goal was 4-5 days a week and I've met it, so I'm happy. :) I'll take the weekend off and probably be back at it on Monday.
Kelly Week 12
Sun-4 mile hill run. My favorite route and I did it! Of course, I had to stop a few times to catch my breath and drink some water but I ran the whole thing!
Tues-2 mile and 20 minute pilates
Wed-2 mile
Thurs-2 mile
Fri-2 mile
For whatever reason, I seem incapable of doing Pilates consistently. I think it is because it is hard to exercise for me first thing in the morning (I've been running at 7 a.m. on the weekdays) and between that and the chaos of getting the kids ready for school as soon as I return, I've lost my mojo before I have a chance to do Pilates. I'll keep trying.
In other news, I learned at the doctors that I only have 4.5 lbs to lose! I suspected that much, but it is nice to have a number sometimes (I don't own a scale). This is definitely a record as it took me 3 years to lose my baby weight from Edmund!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Week 1
Sunday - 2 mile walk
Monday - 2 mile walk
Tuesday - 2 mile walk
Wednesday - 20 minutes bike, Bob's "Pure Burn, Super Strength" 20 minute beginner workout
Thursday - 2 mile walk, Bob's "Pure Burn, Super Strength" harder workout (only 30 minutes)
Friday - 2 mile walk
Saturday- sick, but still walked outside out of necessity (3 year olds do not understand when mommy is sick. Energy still must be burned or Luke will drive me insane!)
Emily's week 3
Sunday - nothing
Monday - nothing
Tuesday - No OM yoga dvd
Wednesday - No OM yoga dvd
Thursday - nothing
Friday - 75 minute vinyasa yoga class
Friday, September 30, 2011
Week 11 recap
M-jog 2 miles, 10 minutes pilates
T-jog 3 miles
W-jog 2 miles, 10 minutes pilates
Fri-jog 2 miles
Took it easier this week because I was just so dang tired and stressed from hormone issues. Next week should be better.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Week 15 for Jessica
Sunday: nothing
Monday: 30 Day Shred, Level 1
Tuesday: Ripped in 30, Level 3 (may I say: this one gave me a taste of the exercise-induced nausea I used to get in high school track! didn't puke, but did have a bit of that, "oh man, I'm getting light-headed here!" sensation in the last cardio circuit!)
- and that was it for the week, as I caught my kids' cold and just felt kind of crappy the rest of the week.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Week 14 for Jessica
Tues: nothing
Wed: Ripped in 30, Level 1
Thurs: Ripped in 30, Level 2
Fri: nothing
Saturday: Bob Harper Cardio Conditioning DVD - 60 min. section
Friday, September 23, 2011
yoga, week 2
Tuesday: yoga dvd
Wednesday: yoga dvd
Thursday: rest (my shoulders were hurting)
Friday: root canal - spent most of the day in bed from novocaine reaction and pain once it wore off. :(
Hopefully I'll be back to normal and back on the wagon on Monday!
The Past 5 Weeks
- Week 1: confused circuit around the gym; ran on treadmill and did machine weights
- Week 2: started body shaping aerobics class 1x/wk - intense hour of cardio and weight training. Highly recommend it
- Week 3: body shaping
- Week 4: body shaping 2x/wk
- Week 5: same
Week 10 recap
Mo-2 mile run
Tues- 2 mile walk
Wed-3 mile run, 2 mile walk
Thurs-2 mile run, 2 mile walk
Fri-3 mile run
Having a hard time being motivated to do pilates these days. I need to work on that for the sake of my poor back.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
week 13 for Jessica
Mon: 30 Day Shred DVD, Level 1
Tues: 30 Day Shred DVD, Level 2
Wed: nothing
Thurs: nothing
Fri: No More Trouble Zones DVD + some jumping jacks
Sat: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD
Yay! I'm exercising again. I didn't think I'd missed it that much (because I didn't feel like exercising), but once I started, I felt so much better.
Week 9 recap
So, basically, my metabolism seems to have kicked up a notch a couple weeks ago and the weight is starting to fly off, and I actually think I might be my pre-preg size again by Christmas; maybe even earlier! I am very pleased, of course, as that is 6 months before I expected to.
Sat: ran 3 miles
Sun: break
Mon: ran 2 miles; 10 minutes pilates
Tues: ran 3 miles
Wed: ran 2 miles, walked 2 miles
Thurs: walked 2 miles
Fri: ran 2 miles
Friday, September 16, 2011
Also, I vaccumed and felt really good to have mopped my floor this week. I was really proud of that-It has been awhile :{
She's back?
So for the past week:
Thursday: yoga dvd, core
Candlelight Yoga (75 minute class)
Friday: yoga dvd, lower body
The goal is 4-5 days of dvd yoga each week, plus one class as long as I can afford it.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
weeks 11 & 12 for Jessica
I think I did a round of the 30 Day Shred at the beginning of week 11, but then I got the bright idea to write my husband a novel for his birthday, and all my exercise time disappeared. Totally worth it, but boy I'm gonna have a time of it this next week as I start working out again!
Friday, September 9, 2011
th--2 mile run plus 2 mile walk
the weight is going quicker than I expected (which is encouraging). however, my hormones are unfortunately out of control again due to my cycle returning and I am struggling with panic attacks again. I am going to try running 3 miles tomorrow and see if 'up'-ing the exercising helps. I'm also drinking soy milk again to help. Hopefully that works. In the past, my hormones didn't regulate till around month 7 or 8 postpartum.
Friday, September 2, 2011
challenging week
Jesse and the girls also started school this week and I'm having to get up and run at 7 before Jesse takes them to school (they start at 8:15). I am not a morning person, so this has led to some humorous running episodes (like me falling asleep while running). Ah, well. I'm sure I 'll adjust with time.
S--ran 2 miles
M--ran 2 miles, 20 minutes Pilates
T/W--walked 2 miles
TH/F--ran 2 miles
Monday, August 29, 2011
Weeks 9 & 10 for Jess
I ate well though, so I didn't gain any weight.
The heat's finally hit here, so exercising in the late afternoon, as I normally do, is now pretty miserable. So I'm working waking up earlier (which I have to do anyway for the school year) and exercising in the morning. Worked today!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Week 5
Su: Ran 2 miles
M: Ran 1 mile, 20 minutes Pilates
T: Ran 2 miles
W: 20 minutes Pilates
Th: Ran 2 miles, walked 2 miles
F: 20 minutes Pilates
This week I hit a bit of the "I'd rather be doing something else" mental struggles and remembered from the past that the key to maintaining routine is to NOT entertain those thoughts until I've started exercising. It worked! Once I started exercising, I was instantly happy that I forced myself to.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Week 8 for Jess
Just have to say: it's lovely to see more activity on here these days! :D
Here's my summary for last week:
8/7- Sunday
8/9 - Ripped in 30 DVD, Level 1. Also, 14 minutes of rollerskating.
8/10 - 24 min. of alternating walking and jogging; 1.8 miles. (with my brother! so fun!)
8/11 - Xtreme Timesaver Training DVD
8/13 - Bob Harper Cardio Conditioning DVD - 60 min. section
And yesterday I went rollerskating for over half an hour. I passed a runner who told me that I was "cheating" and I'm still not sure if he's referring to the fact that I was skating instead of running or that I was using the grassy verge to brake. :D (I suck at breaking, and I've had enough experience with broken bones to be cautious on my skates - much as I love going fast.)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Had to Post
Friday, August 12, 2011
Week 4 recap
Sa/Su-took a break
M- ran 1 mile, 20 minutes Pilates
T-ran 1 mile
W-ran 1 mile
Th-ran 2 miles
Fri-ran 1 mile, 20 minutes Pilates
My plan was to do Pilates M/W/F and run 2 miles on T/Th, but I caught another cold on Tuesday and that slowed me down for a couple days.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Starting Up Post Baby
Fortunately we got a great deal on some plane tickets and got the chance to come out to CA for two weeks. 65 degrees this morning? In August? Awesome. Today I began walking with purpose again. Luke was in the stroller and baby Rebekah was taking a nap in her favorite place- the baby bjorn. We walked for 1.5-2 miles I think. It was a route I am not too familiar with. I plan on doing that with some of these that I found at Marshalls today for $20. I love them- I think that they are the most comfortable toning shoes around.
I am going to try to exercise as much as I can while in temperate weather and to help my postpartum anxiety troubles. As far as weight goes, I am sorry to say this Kelly, but I am already back to my pre-preg weight- actually 5 lbs less. But then, I was thinking about it and my ore-preg weight was not very low to begin with. Also, I don't have the muscle that I did before the baby either. I think I found a weight that my body is happy with, and so it is easy to get back to it. If I wanted to be thin again like in high school, I would need to drop another 20lbs. I think though that I have given up on size 4. :)
It is fun to see everyone posting again!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Back again
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Week 7 for Jess
8/2 - swimming & walking, plus 300 jumping jacks, 60 squats, 60 lunges, 60 bicycle crunches, & 30 push-ups
8/3 - swimming, plus 300 jumping jacks, 60 squats, 60 lunges, 60 bicycle crunches, & 30 push-ups
8/5 - swimming, plus plus 300 jumping jacks, 60 squats, 60 lunges, 60 bicycle crunches, & 30 push-ups
Hi ladies! The weird-looking workouts are because we were camping in the Sierras all week. But I didn't want to get that awful bump-on-a-log feeling you can get on vacation sometimes, so I did calisthenics. Plus some of the more normal swimming and hiking activities that come with being in the mountains.
Hope you all are well!
week's recap
M--1 mile plus 10 minutes pilates
T--1 mile plus 50 crunches
W--2 miles
Th--1.5 miles
F--1 mile
I'm feeling pretty good about things. I've lost a few pounds already. Still don't fit into many clothes, but I can now zip up a couple of my larger size 8 pants. My guess is I still have about 10-12 lbs to lose at this point. But, given that I lost a few pounds just after a couple weeks of running, I'm feeling fairly optimistic. My goal is to be a solid size 8 by Christmas (my size before I started exercising regularly two years ago) and back to my pre-preg 6 by next summer. I think those are fairly reasonable (if not generous) time frames.
This week, I'm going to try to do Pilates more regularly to build up my abdominal muscles to help my back out.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Weeks 5 & 6 for Jessica
7/19 - No More Trouble Zones DVD
7/24 - Sunday
7/25 - Jackie Warner Xtreme Timesaver Training DVD
7/30 - Personal Training with Jackie DVD & 30 min. walk
Friday, July 29, 2011
it's funny...being postpartum again. i forgot how after i initially give birth, i hang on to whatever weight is leftover for a few months before i start losing weight. depressing, but true. trying to deal mentally and emotionally with that. i have 15 lbs to lose and although it is the least amount i've ever had to deal with postpartum, it has been the hardest. i think because i was in such good shape before and i miss not just the thinness of my body but the strength. i miss running long and hard.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
good week
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Week 4 for Jess
7/12 - Ripped in 30 DVD, Level 2
7/14 - Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD
starting up again
Saturday, July 9, 2011
yoga, take three hundred seven
We're on a new schedule here - Josiah changed his nap and Jonathan will be starting a school schedule in a couple of months - between the two my entire routine got shaken up. Generally I don't like drastic changes to my routine (ok, I always, always, always hate them) but this time there was a silver lining: I found a new place to put yoga.
I'm trying out The No OM Zone, which is a hand-me-down from Jess. She didn't like it, but I do! It certainly isn't high intensity (which probably explains why Jess didn't like it). It IS nicely paced, with just enough instruction to be helpful, and no weird spirituality (hence the name).
I'm aiming for 3-4 times a week, starting AFTER our upcoming vbs week. :)
Week 3 for Jes
7/4 - Ripped in 30 DVD, Level 4
7/5 - 30 Day Shred DVD, Level 3
7/6 - Ripped in 30 DVD, Level 1
7/9 - 30 Day Shred DVD, Level 2
Monday, July 4, 2011
Week 52, and Year 2, Weeks 1 & 2
Hey, glad to see some activity - and Kelly, way to go with starting up again, even if it's start-and-stop. That's the way it always is, it seems (just look at my example below!)
Year 2, everybody!
6/12 - Sunday
6/19 - Sunday - 35 min. run (3 miles)
6/20 - 30 min walk
6/21 - Personal Training With Jackie DVD
6/25 - 3-4 hours backpacking w/ about 25 lbs. pack
6/26 - Sunday - 3-4 hours backpacking w/ about 25 lbs. pack
6/29 - 20 min. circuit-training workout from Shape mag. 5/11
7/1 - Ripped in 30 DVD, Level 3
7/2 -
Thursday, June 30, 2011
taking a break already
Anyhow, needless to say, I am taking a break. This is my very first ever case (and thankfully, it seems mild). It is probably the result of trying to do too much too fast. So, I think when I get better, I'll just do walking as my exercise and some light pilates and ease into cardio more slowly. Ah, well.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Exercise Plan
Here is my plan, we'll see how it works:
M,W, F: One mile walk in the morning with kids. One mile jog in afternoon by myself!
T, TH: Two mile walk with kiddos (did this on Thurs and it was quite nice. Tired the kids out in a good way).
Weekends: Play by here. Exercise if opportunity allows, but take a break if needed too.
We'll let you know next week how I fare!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Weeks 50 & 51 for Jess
Before I post these, I was wondering: does anyone else want to continue this blog? I'm happy to keep blogging with you all if you're still interested - it's nice to have company - but if not, I can just shift my fitness blogging to my normal blog. Since we're coming up on exactly one year (week 52 next week!), it seemed like a good time to ask.
Here's the last two weeks:
5/29 - Sunday
5/30 - Body Rev Cardio Conditioning DVD (Bob Harper) - 60 min. section
5/31 -
6/1 - No More Trouble Zones DVD
6/3 - 20 minute hike
6/4 - 20 minute hike
6/5 - Sunday
6/6 - Ripped in 30 DVD - Level 1
6/7 - Ripped in 30 DVD - Level 2
6/10 - 60 minute walk
6/11 - 30 minute walk
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Week 49 for Jess
5/23 - Ripped in 30, Level 2
5/24 - Ripped in 30, Level 3
5/26 - Ripped in 30, Level 4
5/28 - Pure Burn Super Strength DVD - 60 min. section
137 min. total <- I'm trying to get up to 150 min./week, regularly.
Ripped in 30, btw, is awesome, workout-wise. Jillian is more annoying and crass in it, though. But the actual workout is like the 30 Day Shred, only this time it's levels 4, 5, 6, & 7.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Weeks 47 & 48 for Jess, plus some health news
5/9 - 30 Day Shred DVD, Level 1
5/11 - Shred It with Weights DVD - Level 1
5/13 - Biggest Winner Cardio Kickbox DVD
5/14 - 1/2 hour yard work (digging and wood chopping)
5/15 - Sunday
5/16 - Shred It with Weights DVD - Level 2
5/18 - 30 Day Shred, Level 3
5/19 - 30 Day Shred, Level 2
5/21 - Ripped in 30, Level 1
A couple of fairly good weeks, but I learned recently that I need to step up my game, because I've been diagnosed with high cholesterol. It's not much of a shock, because it runs on both sides of my family. I was kind of expecting it actually, and now that I'm thirty and my doctor's testing me for it, surprise! there it is.
So, now I have a medical reason to work out not just a few times a week, but almost every day. And now instead of just eating to keep my weight normal (which I've done successfully for the past two years), I need to eat to keep my weight normal and I need to eat for heart health. Bye-bye oh luscious buttered popcorn that I used to save my calories for! :D
Seriously, it's not so bad. In fact, it's kind of nice not to wonder exactly how much eating healthily and working out should matter to me. Or what method exactly I should be embracing. Now I know, and it's pretty cut-and-dried. And, honestly, there are worse things than clarity.
And, hey, now those ten pounds I've thought about losing for the past two years? They're not vanity pounds anymore! They're I-don't-want-to-take-drugs-unless-I-absolutely-have-to pounds.
So, we'll see. Hopefully the uber-clean-eating-and-sufficient-exercise works. If not, at least, by God's grace, we have good health insurance.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Weeks 44, 45, & 46 Summaries for Jess
Week 44:
4/17 - Sunday
4/18 - Personal Training with Jackie DVD
4/20 - No More Trouble Zones DVD
4/22 - Jackie Warner Xtreme Timesaver Training DVD
Week 45 - nada. I took Bright Week off. Wish I hadn't, in retrospect, because it turns out that I feel terrible when I don't exercise.
Week 46:
5/1 - Sunday - 2 hour walk.
5/3 - 30 Day Shred DVD, Level 3
5/5 - Jackie Warner Xtreme Timesaver Training DVD
5/7 - 20 minutes of jumping rope, jumping jacks, & step-ups
Anyone else still going out there?
Monday, April 18, 2011
Weeks 42 & 43 Summaries for Jess
A lame-ish couple of weeks, but I'm finding my pace again. Just in time for Easter!
/3 - Sunday
4/4 - 30 Day Shred DVD, Level 1 & a walk
4/9 - 40 min. walking with 45 lb. backpack
4/10 - Sunday
4/11 - "Lose More Fat!" workout from April 2011 Fitness
4/12 - 13 min. "Burn It Off!" workout from Fitness, +7 min. jump-rope & jumping jack
4/14 - 22 min. circuit training
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
twice now
Monday, April 4, 2011
Weeks 40 & 41 Summaries for Jess
Hm. Well, I got sick again. So my workouts looked like this:
3/20 - Sunday
3/21 - Bob Harper Cardio Conditioning DVD - 60 min. section
3/22 - No Om Zone DVD
3/23 - sick
3/24 - sick
3/25 - sick
3/26 - sick
3/27 - Sunday
3/28 - sick
3/29 - sick
3/30 - sick
3/31 - sick
4/1 - sick
4/2 - half hour walk
Isn't that thrilling? :) But I did the 30 Day Shred this morning, so I'm back to normal, I think. I'm glad working out is enough of a habit that it doesn't disappear after a bout with illness.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
moved my butt today!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Anyhow, I have given up on exercise for now because I just can't summon the energy and the physical strength/comfort at this time. Maybe that'll change, but right now, I am taking it easy.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Weekly Summary
T: nothing
W: 1 hour yard work- pruning the crepe myrtle
Th: 2 mile walk, 1 hour yard work- raking
F: 1 hour yard work- chopping out crepe myrtle into small enough pieces for the garbage men to take away
S: 1 mile walk
S: 2 mile walk alone
Grandpa was in town this week, so I was privileged enough to take 2 walks by myself. I was feeling better too, so I got some much needed Spring yard cleaning work done.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Week 39 Summary for Jessica
3/14 - Bob Harper Pure Burn Super Strength DVD, 60 min. section
3/15 - Tae Bo Turbo Fat Burner DVD
3/18 - Jackie Warner Xtreme Timesaver Training DVD
3/19 - Dancing with the Stars DVD - Jive section
This week was weird, because I really had to force myself to exercise. I kept wanting to crochet instead! But not a bad week. Maybe I'll manage to do the Bob Harper 60 min. cardio DVD tomorrow. I haven't done that one for awhile, and I want to.
How's everyone else doing?
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Week 38 Summary for Jessica
3/7 - Jackie Warner Xtreme Timesaver Training DVD
3/8 - nothing
3/9 - Crunch Boot Camp DVD
3/10 - Dance of the Inches: Hip-Hop Party - 2/3 sections
3/11 - Ultimate Tae Bo (hee, hee - this was way too corny and fun)
3/12 - nothing
Yay! Nice to be back to 4x/week. It's very good not to be sick anymore.
Katie - thanks for the comment on my last week's post. But I think I'd die if I tried to do everything all in one day!
I did manage my walk today and was feeling better.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Feeling Better
T: 2 mile walk with Luke, yard work
W: 2 mile walk alone
Th: Bike riding 20 mins
F: Bike riding 45 mins
S: Bike riding 45 mins (planned) + yard work
S: 2 mile walk alone (planned)
This week Nathan came home and I got a lot of energy back! I think I was just emotionally worn out last week. Also, saw the Dr. and baby is doing well, weight gain is on track, etc...
Hope you all had a good week!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Week 37 Summary for Jessica
Well, after getting over the flu, I got a nasty cold. So, all I have to report for last week is two 35 minute walks. Hopefully this next week I'll be able to get back into a regular exercise schedule. I really miss it!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
On the mend a bit
I did a light weight, pilates workout on Monday and ran 2 miles on Tuesday. The rest of the week was shot because of preparing to travel and then traveling down to So. Cal for a wedding. However, I feel encouraged and motivated again, and that is what matters.
Katie, like you, I have to take a break the day after (even if I walk or go to church). Any activities that involve me being on my feet for a considerable amount of time greatly intensify the above symptoms for me. But a day of rest helps minimize things again.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Working and Resting
The other reason that I have been tired is because of all the yard work that has had to be done- pulling weeds, planting, raking (bags and bags!). It is Spring here in Houston!
So here is what the past two weeks looked like as best as I can remember:
M: Prevention DVD + yard work for 1 hour
T: Nothing
W: 1 hour yard work
Th: Nothing
F: Prevention DVD
S: Bike riding 30 mins
S: 2 mile walk alone
M: 2 mile walk pushing Luke
T: Nothing
W: Walked around the Houston Rodeo with Luke for nearly 4 hours (too much)
Th: Nothing!
F: Bike for 30 minutes
S: Plan to bike
S: Plan to bike
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Week 37 Summary for Jessica
2/21 - Dance with Julianne: Cardio Ballroom DVD - Cha-Cha & Jive sections
2/23 - No More Trouble Zones DVD
2/26 - 35 minute walk
Thursday, February 24, 2011
ZERO motivation right now
Anyhow, I am not certain how to deal with this: Do I take a week off and just hope that my attitude will change? Or do I push through it?
Part of me is just struggling a lot with the limitations my body is having with this pregnancy. Running a mile 3 times a week seemed very significant when I was pregnant with Edmund because I wasn't really in shape at the time. Now, that seems like nothing to me and I get annoyed with myself for not being able to push myself further.
I'm also just sick of my boring, bland diet and how easily I get nauseous if I cheat even the littlest bit. My appetite has been a lot lower the last couple weeks because I am honestly just sick of the same food all the time (which, obviously, is probably contributing to the low energy). I suppose in general, I'm just struggling with pregnancy blahs and needed to rant a little bit.
However, the good news is I am nearly in my third trimester (just two weeks!)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Week 36 Summary for Jessica
2/13 Sunday - nothing
2/14 - 30 Day Shred DVD, Level 2
2/16 - Dancing with the Stars: Dance Off the Pounds DVD, Swing and Jive sections
2/17 - Jackie Warner Xtreme Timesaver Training DVD
2/18 - nothing
2/19 - Personal Training with Jackie DVD
It was great to start working out again this week, after two weeks of flu. I still have a head cold, but it's nothing compared to how things were going in our house.
I'm experimenting with working out in the early morning again, instead of the afternoon. It's almost impossible to get up before the kids, even if I'm up at 5:30, but I realized that I'd rather work out while the kids are up and write while they're down (i.e., in the afternoon, during quiet time/naptime) than try to do it the other way around. So far, so good.
It means I have to do shorter workouts rather than longer ones though, but that's okay.
Friday, February 18, 2011
recovery week
Two Weeks
M: Prevention DVD + yard work for 1 hour
T: Prevention DVD
W: Walk with Luke 1 mile
Th: Bike for 30 minutes and walk around the zoo for 2 hours (I took a nap after)
F: Bike for 45 minutes
S: Plan to bike
S: Plan to walk at Luke's nap time
Jessica- I hope that you feel better soon!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
daily yoga?
The whole dvd is 50 minutes long, which is too much for me to manage before the kids get up (I'm trying to do some bible reading before starting it, too). But I'm finding that if I leave out the section in the middle that hurts my knees, and sometimes cut off the end, it works out pretty well. Yesterday Jonathan got up before I was done and we worked on dancer pose together. :)
If you enjoy yoga, this might be a good dvd to get. As a martial artist (another practice that is often frowned upon by Christians) I appreciate the way Fr. Ryan is working to claim a beautiful and healthful physical practice for the worship of Jesus.
*I do have to note that as much as I enjoy the dvd, there are some serious bugs in the title menu programming.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Jillian Getz Results
But, by and large, my greater commitment to exercising has been good for me--physically and emotionally. So I'm trying to keep it up.
Weeks 34 & 35 Summary for Jess
Basically, I was sick for two weeks. On Feb. 2, I did Level 1 of the Shred, and then I didn't work out for almost two weeks, till this morning, when I did Level 2. :)
But the end is in sight, I think. I'm not quite well, but I'm well enough that I don't start feeling sick till the evening (i.e., when I'm worn out). We did have six straight days of at-least-one-kid-per-night vomiting, then a break, and then it started again last night, but at least 2 out of the four are well now.
I'm glad to be working out again (I missed it), but man, I did not enjoy it this morning. The first one back is never fun.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
exercise this week
M and W-20 minutes pilates plus about 5 minutes upper arm light weight workout.
T and Th-2 mile run
Feeling good, though I will say that there comes a point in pregnancy that you lose all sense of judgment concerning your body. In other words, even though I know I am probably still pretty fit, my body just looks strange and swollen to me and I exercise based on hope and not results!!!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
do we care about keeping this private?
Freezing in the South
M: Walk with Luke (2 miles
T: Prevention DVD
W: Bike for 40 minutes
Th: Bike for 1 hour- about 17 miles!
F: Bike for 30 minutes
S: Prevention DVD, Bike for 35 minutes
S: I will probably walk 2 miles tomorrow
Monday is my next Dr's appt. and sonogram. I honestly think it is a girl, but acknowledge that it is only a guess. Maybe it is because I can only think of girl's names this time around.
comment deletion
on another note, just got 3 days of official exercise in this week. but yesterday, walked around the zoo and will be walking for my grocery shopping today.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Katie, during my first two pregnancies, I practiced karate. During my second and third, I walked. That was about it for me. I didn't really get into exercising at home until after my third pregnancy.
And I'm not sure how to delete that comment now that it's there. The only way I know of on blogger to get rid of unwanted comments is to prevent them by enabling comment moderation.
And I, ugh, am still sick. Thought I was done with it, but I'm not. One workout so far this week, just because I've got the dizzy-nauseous-tired-achy flue blues. Ick, ick, ick.
That's ok.
It was peaceful. It was restful.
I won't lose an ounce doing this kind of yoga...but I think I'll feel wonderful.
I do really enjoy some of the more challenging poses, as well, and if anyone hears of a reasonably priced teacher I'd love the recommendation. But I sure did enjoy the class last night!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Blog Management
Week 33 Summary for Jessica
1/27 - Personal Training with Jackie DVD
That's it! Just twice. In my defense, I got sick over the weekend, and working out was just not on the cards (laying in bed was). But it looks like the rest of you are doing wonderfully!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
But, what I am really blogging about is my relief over my last weight gain. I was so afraid it would be another ridiculously scary number but it wasn't! Only 2 lbs this last month. And while I wouldn't have cared if it was 4, I am very thankful it wasn't 14.
It is so nice exercising again. I will be quite frank and say that it is a mental battle each time because pregnancy fatigue does not go away when you have more than one child, but I am very glad after I exercise. Those short bursts of endorphins can go a long way to over all productiveness over time. Man, hey, maybe the bathroom will finally get cleaned today!
The thing I am most liking about exercising while pregnant is feeling (and I know this isn't really a feeling but I don't know how else to express it), so feeling as though I have SOME control over my body. Yes, I cannot push myself very hard, but there is something about the act of routine exercise that makes me remember:
"Yes, this is my body. Yes, I can make it do things I want it to do still (even if those things are not sleep when I want to sleep, pee at acceptable intervals or be energetic when I need it to be)."
But I can still make you hurt and sweat all by myself.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Weekly Post
T: Prevention DVD
W: 2 mile walk pushing Luke
Th: Bike for 35 minutes, yard work
F: Bike for 40 minutes
S: Prevention DVD, 1 1/2 mile walk
S: Nothing
It was a good week. I keep thinking that my $100 investment in the exercise bike is one of the best I ever made. Right now, I am mostly reading the Lord of the Rings series while riding. I have actually never read the books before, so I am having a lot of fun! Luke likes to have me ride too- he says, "Stay on bike Mommy, stay on!" in his forceful two-year-old way. :)
Emily- I honestly do NOT like exercising either. But, I love the way it makes me feel and how it helps me control other things in my life (like diet mainly). I have found over time that I like certain things more than others. Maybe the Shred is not the right thing for you? You found a great way to eat after a lot of experimenting. :)
Kelly-It is so good to hear that you are able to get some exercise in these days! We are praying for a healthy baby and mommy everyday.
Jessica- Did you work out much with your pregnancies? Obviously the twins were different, but were there things that you particularly like to stay in shape?
Saturday, January 29, 2011
exercise updates and thoughts (re: Emily)
M: 10 minutes thigh pilates, ran 1 mile
T: ran 2 miles
W: quick 20 minutes hike with kiddos
Th: 20 minutes pilates plus 6 minute upper body light weight lifting (from a video)
F: chased kids over zoo for 2+ hours
Today: I should get about a 1 1/2 miles of walking in.
Re: exercise thoughts
I used to hate exercise. Absolutely hate it. Part of it was viewing its benefits only in terms of losing weight. My parents put me on strange diets all through high school because they thought I was too plump (though, in retrospect, although I felt that way, I realize now that I wasn't fat at all. I wasn't thin, but I wasn't fat). Anyhow, I cannot stand diets because of that and, for awhile, couldn't stand exercise.
I exercised lightly off and on after having babies simply because I was feeling really insecure about my body and would rather exercise a little than diet.
The turning point for me was when a retired psychologist told me that exercise was the best long-term cure for my panic attacks. It gave me a reason to exercise and the initial benefits (mental and emotional) were of such great value to me that I started exercising more for those reasons than for the sake of 'looking good'. I did lose weight in the process and became the happiest with my body than I have ever been. But my happiness wasn't in my thinness but in the strength of my body. I felt healthy. Healthy mentally, emotionally and physically. And that helps me to be a better mother, wife and friend.
So, for me, that is why I exercise. To feel 'healthy' in a well-rounded way.
Anyway, what I remembered (after about the first three minutes) is how very much I do not like working out. Jess, I am so not you. :) I don't like sweating, I don't like hurting, and I don't like giving up even half an hour of precious time to sweat and hurt.
Two years ago I did this consistently because I was really unhappy with myself and my body. I hadn't yet found an eating pattern that worked, and I wasn't taking an antidepressant either. Now I do feel good about my eating, and the meds have taken away the anxiety that was driving most of my life.
I have this thought that it would be nice to lose 10 lbs, but honestly I no longer find it super compelling. (This is a FANTASTIC place for me to be!)
I also have a thought that it would be a good idea to stay in shape so that I'll be more healthy as I get older (Jess, you've written about that before) and that is more intellectually compelling but tends to lack force in the midst of day to day life.
I don't really have any insights or conclusions right now. I'd love to hear your thoughts, exercise buddies. :)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I exercise...sporadically.
Thanks to Jillian and all the shred I did (long, long ago...) I actually have some good, basic weight lifting in my head. So I cycled through what I could remember, and I am sore today, so I must have done something right.
In in that frustrating spot right now of feeling that I ought to be exercising (especially to keep my knees from hurting) but just not finding a place for it in my life. It does not work with the kids underfoot, and by the time they're having quiet time the LAST thing that I have energy for is working out. And besides, there is laundry to fold.
I'm sure you all know the struggle. I just haven't found a good solution for this particular life stage.
I do exercise
I'll try to keep our results posted.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Week 32 Summary for Jess
1/17 - Bob Harper Cardio Conditioning DVD - 60 min. section
1/18 -
1/19 - Dancing with the Stars: Dance Off the Pounds DVD - swing and jive sections
1/21 - Jackie Warner Xtreme Timesaver Training DVD
1/22 - Bob Harper Super Strength DVD - 60 min. section (minus last 10 min. - ran out of time)
Yippee! Now that's more like it. 5 days this week!
I've been favoring doing strength training interspersed with dance DVDs, and so next week I'm planning on changing it up and doing Jillian's circuit training DVDs (the Shred and the Biggest Winner) five days in a row. Of course, I'm not sure I'll make it, but I feel like challenging myself with something different. And then, I think, back to strength and dance, because I really, really like them. :)
Friday, January 21, 2011
Good Week
Tuesday: 2 mile walk with stroller
Wednesday: Bike ride- 30 minutes, about 8 miles
Thursday: vaccumed the house (yes, I am counting that right now :) )
Friday: Prevention DVD, squatting against a wall, and dancing with Luke
I am feeling good and beginning slowly to bring in light weights to the Prevention DVD. I also discovered this week that I can actually still do a few full push-ups. Yay for Jillian!
This weekend may not be the best- Nathan is very sick and I am mostly trying to take the extra share of Luke care. Who knows though, we may do a walk or something.
Hope you all are doing well out there!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
That means, I am exercising again! Regularly!!!!
Monday: 10 minutes hip Pilates, ran 1 mile
Tuesday: ran 2 miles
Wednesday: 10 minutes hip Pilates, 10 minutes thigh Pilates
I plan on exercising the next two days too. I am already feeling the benefits of regular exercise again. I am sleeping better and more energetic throughout the day. I am so glad to find my nausea turned out to be a simple food problem and can be controlled!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Week 31 Summary for Jess
1/10 - 20 min. walk
1/12 - Jackie Warner Xtreme Timesaver Training DVD
1/13 - Dance with Julianne: Cardio Ballroom DVD - cha-cha and jive sections
1/14 - No More Trouble Zones DVD + 10 mins. alternating jumping rope & jumping jacks
1/15 - 3 hours walking around botanical gardens, often while carrying a child. :)
The beginning of this week was hard; I was in a funk, and the only exercise I got was a short walk to the park with my sister and our kids. But the end of the week picked up, and given how the week started, I'm pretty happy with the amount of exercise I got.
Today I did the Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD with my husband. It's the only exercise DVD of mine that he really likes (it's got a far amount of kickboxing stuff in it), and it's fun to get to work out with him. (He stays in shape the rest of the time commuting to work by unicycle and teaching karate.)
Kelly and Katie, I'm glad that you're getting to work out again! And Kelly, I think your workouts with the kids sound really cool. I'll have to try to work something like that into our homeschooling eventually. The only thing we really do that's like that is dancing - when I put on upbeat music to do jumping jacks and jump-rope to, the girls often join in with bouncy dancing, which is really fun. But I think it's neat you're teaching your kids such a valuable life skill/health habit/healthy coping mechanism so early.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
establishing a new routine
Before school each morning, we now to do morning stretches together and Pilates moves for 10-15 minutes. Then we do math and history. After that, we all run around the block (about a 1/3 of a mile) and then we have reading and grammar lessons. It's been working great.
The idea was actually for Mary's sake. She sometimes struggles with focusing and having pent-up energy, and I also think she might struggle with panic a bit too (though at her age, it comes across as "the crazies"). So the exercise routine was initially initiated simply for her sake. But it is benefitting us all. Even if I do get in a 'real' exercise, I am getting a light work out that takes up about 20 minutes of my day Monday-Friday. Given that I have been nothing, this is definitely a step up!
I also am hoping that helping my kids identify exercise routines now might be beneficial when they are older. Exercise will hopefully already be a normal part of their day and not an 'extra' to be squeezed in.
The office that my midwives use is in a high rise building in downtown Houston. When I was leaving my appointment and walking back up the stairs to my car, I was shocked at how weak I felt. Climbing 6 flights of stairs, I almost had to stop part way up.
I am not really sad about this or anything, it's just that I used to think that walking was enough to get fit. Though I have still been walking and doing other little things, I have learned how much different it is to do a really difficult workout tape, or just any significant amount of weight lifting/push-ups/squats etc...
Hopefully I can resume some more vigorous exercise, but for right now, I am still working on getting through each day. My morning sickness returned with a vengeance after flying home solo with Luke. Traveling for 8 hours with a 2-year old and a 25lb backpack left me totally spent.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Week 30 Summary for Jess
1/3 - Bob Harper Super Strength DVD - 60 min. section
1/5 - Dance with Julianne: Just Dance! DVD - first and last sections
1/6 - Jackie Warner Xtreme Timesaver Training DVD
1/7 - Dance Off the Inches: Fat-Burning Belly Dance DVD
Five! Yay, I'm happy.
btw, that new Jackie Warner DVD? So painful. Harder than anything I've tried yet. I don't know if I'll EVER be able to get through it without stopping. It's all compound movies (like a deep curtsy-squat up into a side kick with a punch WITH weights) and the killer is that you do each for an entire minute straight. On each side. Ow, ow, ow . . .
But I'm going to keep trying!
I'm also really enjoying my dancing DVDs these days. They're just fun. It's very nice to do something that's simply enjoyable in between all those painful weights-circuits DVDs.
Hope your ultrasound goes well, Kelly!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
A bit annoyed, frustrated, confused
On another note, I gained 14 lbs this last month. How? I have no clue as I did not do any holiday binging (the nausea prevented that!) and I still fit into all my pre-pregnancy clothes with the help of a belly band and my pants are not tight. I do have a belly but the 14 lbs is really confusing me as the baby certainly doesn't weight that much! My midwife didn't seem concerned and was actually glad I gained that much weight (she thought I was underweight), but given that the weight didn't distribute itself around my body like it normally does when I gain weight, I am not satisfied with the answer. I was really depressed after finding out I gained that much and I want an answer! Unfortunately it is alluding me.
It does make me suspect twins more. I'll find out on Monday. If it is not twins, then the weight gain will be even more perplexing. Did any of you gain weight like that in a pregnancy? The most I ever gained in a month was 7 lbs (granted I would do quite a few months in a row of that, but that's beside the point).
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Week 29 Summary for Jess
12/27 - Bob Harper Cardio Conditioning DVD - 20 min. section + 7 min. alternating jump-rope and jumping jacks
12/28 - Bob Harper Super Strength DVD - 60 min. section - but only half of it! :) (so, 30 min.)
12/29 - Dancing with the Stars: Dance, Body, Tone
12/31 - Jackie Warner Xtreme (I know! the spelling!) Timesaver Training DVD
1/1 - Dancing with the Stars: Dance Off the Pounds DVD - swing and jive sections
The Jackie Warner Xtreme might be my new favorite DVD. It's intense. Every move is weights plus a large muscle movement, to make it aerobic. I love it. I'm sore. :)
And, Kelly, you get full points for effort from me!