Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dance with Julianne: Just Dance!

New workout - yay!

That said, golly I'm not a dancer. I screw up the steps so badly whenever I try a new dance DVD! No exception to the rule this time, although the third of the three routines I actually managed to follow before the end. But the other two kept making me mad because they were too hard for me. :)  

Just means it'll be cooler when I finally get them. Right? Right?




  1. Ooh, I want to borrow that one from you sometime! I fell in love with Julianne when I watched season five of DWTS. She's so much fun.

  2. Emily, I have her first one too - it's more ballroom dancing, this second one is club-style dancing - and it's really fun. You can certainly borrow them sometime.
