Monday, November 29, 2010

the last few workouts

Yesterday I did Julianne's Just Dance! DVD. Much better than the first time. I really, really enjoyed the first and the third routine. I'm still not sold on the middle one, but maybe I'll like it better as I get better at it.

Today I did Jackie Warner's Power Circuit DVD. It's in regular rotation, of course, but today I challenged myself to do heavier weights than I usually do, and it was tough! I think I'll feel it tomorrow. But I'd love to be stronger than I am, and today I finally managed to remind/convince myself that that wasn't going to happen unless I lifted heavier than I usually do. :)

I'm also doing pull-ups again, so all in all, I'm pretty happy about how my workouts are going so far this week. I feel back in the swing of things again, and it's a nice feeling.

How are all the rest of you?


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Week 25 Summary for Jess

I didn't update during the week here (busy week!), but here's a summary:

10/21 - Sunday
10/22 -
10/23 - No More Trouble Zones DVD
10/24 - 10 Minute Solution: Dance Off Fat Fast (whole DVD = 50 min. - did the whole thing)
10/25 - Thanksgiving
10/26 -
10/27 - Bob Harper Super Strength DVD

Still only 3 workouts a week. This past month has been really hard, personally. To be honest, I'm just glad I'm still working out. But Thanksgiving was really refreshing, so I'm feeling a bit more optimistic about the chances of December being a good month. Lord willing and Christ tarry, of course.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Conjuring up a plan

My nausea is nearly 100% gone.  WHOOPEE!  I feel pretty weak still (not eating for a month and half does that to you, I hear).  So, I am not ready to start exercising just yet.  But I am starting to think of a plan.

I think this next week, my goal will just be to take a short walk each day with the kids and maybe try portions of my workout videos.

The next week, I think I'll start running (if my energy is back).  I'll start with just a mile and add on gradually until I'm running at least 3 miles (however long that takes).

I may be totally measuring wrong, but I could swear my uterus feels like it is already at my belly button (which would mean no more lying on my back for workouts), but I'll get that confirmed on Monday when my midwife comes.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Week 24 Summary for Jess

This week's lesson? Life sucks when you don't go to bed on time. Thank you. I'm sure you all are smarter than me and already know that, but at almost-thirty, I am apparently still unable to completely put this lesson into practice. Nonetheless: ugh! Not enough sleep this week! Which, for me, equals not enough exercise. Oh well. It wasn't a complete wash. Onward!

10/14 - Sunday - Bob Harper: Cardio Conditioning DVD
10/15 -
10/16 -
10/17 - Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred DVD, Level 1
10/18 -
10/19 -
10/20 - Personal Training with Jackie DVD, legs and arms


Personal Training with Jackie

Just arms and legs - skipped abs because I had an adorable newborn nephew to babysit. :)


Thursday, November 18, 2010

That's funny you said that, Jessica.  EVERYONE has been saying that to me lately.  I'm honestly not too worried about it, though.  I'll be starting my 2nd trimester next week and I'm not showing one bit.  I can still wear all of my pre-preg clothing comfortably.  I am pretty certain that if it was combo of twins + 4th pregnancy, I'd be showing by now!

Thankfully, twins don't run in the family.  There are a couple identical sets on my mom's side but those are supposedly not hereditary.

And, Katie, all of my pregnancies have been different.  This is definitely the worst, but every single pregnancy, my nausea affected me a bit differently.  So I wouldn't worry too much about twins!

I too am looking for workout videos for pregnancy that are actually challenging.  I could just use bits and pieces from my pilates videos, but it would be nice to not have to stop and jump around continually.  I suppose it's time to browse the amazon reviews, as I imagine libraries don't have a huge selection of pregnancy workout videos.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Walking Again

Everyday this week I have been on a walk with Luke. Truly, that is all I can do. Though i haven't been throwing up (sorry Kelly! I really hope you feel better soon!), I have been feeling sick all day long and need any extra sleep I can get. This time around has been worse for me than when I was pregnant with Luke.

Jessica- Your cold must have taken a lot out of you! I am glad that you are feeling better. Also, your comment to Kelly about twins scares me- we have twins in the family- Nathan is one, my family has a couple of sets too. May God give me the strength for whatever comes.

I still really like reading everyone's updates. It has been motivating me to keep moving at least a little each day.

Question: Did any of you do any good maternity exercise tapes during pregnancy? Most of the ones that I have tried are bland or too easy. For now, I am just going to try to do my morning walk. When i feel better, I plan on adding back the exercise bike and some weights.

30 Day Shred, Level I

Shockingly, I'm still sore from Sunday's workout. :D  So I went back to the basics, and did the Shred, Level 1. I love this DVD. Just a good, solid workout. Nothing fancy. Sometimes you want the bells and whistles, but sometimes you just want the meat and potatoes, hold the dressing. That's this workout.

Kelly, I'm so sorry you feel so rotten. You're awesome for not having fallen behind on schooling - I'm sure I would have by now. You know the thing that I, of all people, should have known not to think, but that was nonetheless the first thing I thought of when I read your post? It was, "huh,  when I had a pregnancy that was significantly harder than my others, it turned out to be twins."

Sorry! I probably shouldn't say it, even though it's honestly what first occurred to me. But then, before I had twins, I was convinced it could never be twins (which is probably why I didn't know till I was 5 mos. along). And after, I've become convinced it can always be twins. Weird.

Anyway, thank you for being so kind as to answer my question; I hadn't thought about Advent fasting. Of course, our Advent starts a little later than yours, but it's considered a minor fasting season for Anglicans too. Thank you for the reminder. 


Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Congrats again, Katie!

Just to let you know that I have not dropped off the face of the earth, although I have completely dropped out of all exercising for the time being.  My 24 hour nausea turned into nausea plus vomiting shortly after the 10 week mark (2 weeks ago) and the last couple days I have spent entirely in bed because walking downstairs makes me vomit.  Such a joy.  Never had this happen with any of the other pregnancies and it really sucks.

I have lost about 5 pounds since I got pregnant due to the sickness and that has never happened before either.  Edmund was right when he said this baby should be named 'trouble'!

Hopefully this will end soon because I really miss exercising.  My back is starting to hurt again and my legs feel sore from not hardly moving.  Luckily, my anxiety hasn't increased but I think that has a lot to do with not doing anything.  
I am simply proud that we haven't fallen too far behind on our homeschooling schedule.  Just 3 days at this point and we have the whole week of Thanksgiving off to make that time up.  That is, Lord willing, if I am better by then!

Good job, Jessica, on keeping up with your workouts while we've all been so quiet!  And, re: holiday plans, I honestly haven't thought too much about it.  We don't typically have the feasting until Xmas eve/day due to fasting beforehand.  It is when we travel that I gain weight and since this year we're going to my parents, I'm not too worried about it.  They have an exercise bike that I love to use.  So, hopefully exercise will counter any excess weight beyond what I should gain!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bob Harper: Cardio Conditioning

I just have to say: you know it's a hard workout when you get to the jump-roping or the sumo squats and think, "oh good! a break!"


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Week 23 Summary for Jess

10/7 -  
10/8 - No More Trouble Zones DVD (Jillian Michaels)
10/9 -
10/10 -
10/11 - Bob Harper Super Strength DVD
10/12 -

10/13 - Dance with Julianne - Just Dance! DVD

Only three workouts, but it still didn't feel like a bad week, considering that it was the first full week of working out since I got sick. 

I'm beginning to think about trying to stay in shape through the holidays. Last year I thought, "hey, it's the holidays, I'll just enjoy it!" and then it took me months and months to lose the five+ pounds I put on. Not this year! I think that "I'll just enjoy it!" sentiment needs to apply to three days: Thanksgiving, my birthday and Christmas. Not the whole season. :)  Anyone else there?


Dance with Julianne: Just Dance!

New workout - yay!

That said, golly I'm not a dancer. I screw up the steps so badly whenever I try a new dance DVD! No exception to the rule this time, although the third of the three routines I actually managed to follow before the end. But the other two kept making me mad because they were too hard for me. :)  

Just means it'll be cooler when I finally get them. Right? Right?



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bob Harper Super Strength

I did this today. Still a huge challenge.

One of the things I like about this DVD is that the exercise models look like they're in as much pain as I am!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Congratulations, Katie!

I'm so excited for you! (I may just have to take a trip down to Texas in July...) ;)

Trying to Exercise

Well, this past week, most of my exercise came from walking Luke in the stroller again. The weather has been beautiful and I have been too tired to do much else.

Why?......Because we are now expecting kiddo #2, to be born around the 1st of July.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Week 22 Summary for Jess

10/1 -
10/2 - 
10/3 -  
10/4 - Personal Training with Jackie 
10/5 - Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism  

10/6 - walked a mile or two at the botanical gardens 

Just glad not to be sick anymore!


No More Trouble Zones

Did this one this morning.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism

I did Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism today, but I muted it and listened to music instead. Easier to feel cheerful about being in pain when you're listening to something with a good beat.

So, in that spirit, here are the two new (to me) songs that I've added to my workout list lately. 

That's Not My Name, by the Ting-Tings:

And So What? by Pink. (Btw, I'm not recommending the below video, just the song. Though parts of the video are funny - she reunited with her husband after the song was written but before the video was made, which is why he's standing behind her as she sings the first line: "I guess I just lost my husband/I don't know where he went", which is kind of funny. But, anyway, some of the rest of the video is pretty crass, so you might want to just listen and not watch. Great beat for working out though, and I love those "na na na na na na na" chords.)

This is one I heard on the radio while I was driving and liked so much that I went and looked it up afterwards. I've found some of my favorite songs that way.

Does anyone else have any good songs to work out to lately?


Thursday, November 4, 2010

week 21 summary for Jessica

10/24 -  
10/25 -
10/26 -
10/27 -
10/28 - Leslie Sansone DVD 
10/29 -

10/30 -

Yep. I was sick. Next week's summary's not going to look that much better!


Personal Training with Jackie

Did this this morning. Sort of weird; since I haven't really worked out for almost two weeks, all the moves that are usually easy for me weren't, and during the ones where I usually think, "does this really work the muscle she says it does?" I realized, "yes, yes it does."

I think I'm going to be sore tomorrow.

Also, I lost some of my flexibility. Well, back on the wagon.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

how to put on a sports bra

Okay ladies, I'm still out sick (but finally improving - hope to get back to exercising tomorrow), but that's no reason not to read this great instructional blog post: How to Put on a Sports Bra

I'm almost certain you'll relate.
