Monday, August 29, 2011

Weeks 9 & 10 for Jess

At the beginning of week 9 I did an hour-long Bob Harper DVD, and then I went roller-skating for half an hour the next day, and then basically did nothing for two weeks.

I ate well though, so I didn't gain any weight.

The heat's finally hit here, so exercising in the late afternoon, as I normally do, is now pretty miserable. So I'm working waking up earlier (which I have to do anyway for the school year) and exercising in the morning. Worked today!


Friday, August 26, 2011

week 6

MWF-  2 mile run and 20 minutes pilates
T/TH- 2 mile run and 10 minutes pilates

Last Week

I walked 2-5 miles a day five of seven days and felt great. Now we are back in the heat and humidity-we'll see how much I can do.... :(

Friday, August 19, 2011

Week 5

Sa: Day Off
Su: Ran 2 miles
M: Ran 1 mile, 20 minutes Pilates
T: Ran 2 miles
W: 20 minutes Pilates
Th: Ran 2 miles, walked 2 miles
F: 20 minutes Pilates

This week I hit a bit of the "I'd rather be doing something else" mental struggles and remembered from the past that the key to maintaining routine is to NOT entertain those thoughts until I've started exercising.  It worked!  Once I started exercising, I was instantly happy that I forced myself to.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Week 8 for Jess

Just have to say: it's lovely to see more activity on here these days! :D

Here's my summary for last week:

8/7- Sunday
8/9 - Ripped in 30 DVD, Level 1. Also, 14 minutes of rollerskating.
8/10 - 24 min. of alternating walking and jogging; 1.8 miles. (with my brother! so fun!)
8/11 - Xtreme Timesaver Training DVD
8/13 - Bob Harper Cardio Conditioning DVD - 60 min. section

And yesterday I went rollerskating for over half an hour. I passed a runner who told me that I was "cheating" and I'm still not sure if he's referring to the fact that I was skating instead of running or that I was using the grassy verge to brake. :D (I suck at breaking, and I've had enough experience with broken bones to be cautious on my skates - much as I love going fast.)


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Had to Post

I just finished an hour long walk with Luke, Rebekah and my in-laws. Southern CA is so beautiful right now. Rebekah was in the baby bjorn and Luke was treated to a wagon ride care of Papa. :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Week 4 recap

Today marked a month of exercising regularly!  Yay! I also did not have any panic attacks this week despite dealing with some high stress.

Sa/Su-took a break
M- ran 1 mile, 20 minutes Pilates
T-ran 1 mile
W-ran 1 mile
Th-ran 2 miles
Fri-ran 1 mile, 20 minutes Pilates

My plan was to do Pilates M/W/F and run 2 miles on T/Th, but I caught another cold on Tuesday and that slowed me down for a couple days.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Starting Up Post Baby

Well, we had heat advisories almost everyday in Houston, so there has not been much outside activity. Luke hates for me to do exercise videos inside and does not nap any longer, so that has been out too.

Fortunately we got a great deal on some plane tickets and got the chance to come out to CA for two weeks. 65 degrees this morning? In August? Awesome. Today I began walking with purpose again. Luke was in the stroller and baby Rebekah was taking a nap in her favorite place- the baby bjorn. We walked for 1.5-2 miles I think. It was a route I am not too familiar with. I plan on doing that with some of these that I found at Marshalls today for $20. I love them- I think that they are the most comfortable toning shoes around.

I am going to try to exercise as much as I can while in temperate weather and to help my postpartum anxiety troubles. As far as weight goes, I am sorry to say this Kelly, but I am already back to my pre-preg weight- actually 5 lbs less. But then, I was thinking about it and my ore-preg weight was not very low to begin with. Also, I don't have the muscle that I did before the baby either. I think I found a weight that my body is happy with, and so it is easy to get back to it. If I wanted to be thin again like in high school, I would need to drop another 20lbs. I think though that I have given up on size 4. :)

It is fun to see everyone posting again!


Just finished my first workout for the week, which puts me a little behind where I would like to be. 15 mins of yoga on the Wii Fit, followed by 3 of the arm exercises you see in the video below - I could only do about half because I can't find my 2 lb weights. Guess that means it's probably time to clean . . .

I like them because they work more than just the arms - in fact, my legs are more tired than anything else right now.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Back again

Greetings all! Finished my diss and could use some accountability, so I'll be checking in here more often. Ted and I got gym memberships in May, and I lost about 10 lbs. before I had to give up exercise for a month (thanks to gallbladder surgery). That month is now up, and I need to get back to it! Haven't gotten back to the gym next, but I do have a subscription to Self magazine, which has some great exercises. Will try to do three days of weight workouts this week.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Week 7 for Jess

8/2 - swimming & walking, plus 300 jumping jacks, 60 squats, 60 lunges, 60 bicycle crunches, & 30 push-ups
8/3 - swimming, plus 300 jumping jacks, 60 squats, 60 lunges, 60 bicycle crunches, & 30 push-ups
8/5 - swimming, plus plus 300 jumping jacks, 60 squats, 60 lunges, 60 bicycle crunches, & 30 push-ups


Hi ladies! The weird-looking workouts are because we were camping in the Sierras all week. But I didn't want to get that awful bump-on-a-log feeling you can get on vacation sometimes, so I did calisthenics. Plus some of the more normal swimming and hiking activities that come with being in the mountains.

Hope you all are well!

week's recap

S--1 mile jog
M--1 mile plus 10 minutes pilates
T--1 mile plus 50 crunches
W--2 miles
Th--1.5 miles
F--1 mile

I'm feeling pretty good about things.  I've lost a few pounds already.  Still don't fit into many clothes, but I can now zip up a couple of my larger size 8 pants.  My guess is I still have about 10-12 lbs to lose at this point.  But, given that I lost a few pounds just after a couple weeks of running, I'm feeling fairly optimistic. My goal is to be a solid size 8 by Christmas (my size before I started exercising regularly two years ago) and back to my pre-preg 6 by next summer.  I think those are fairly reasonable (if not generous) time frames.

This week, I'm going to try to do Pilates more regularly to build up my abdominal muscles to help my back out.