Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Well, we are back in Houston after a month-long sojourn through CA. It was a great trip and I got some good long walks in (thanks to grandparents!), but we are certainly glad to be home.

The office that my midwives use is in a high rise building in downtown Houston. When I was leaving my appointment and walking back up the stairs to my car, I was shocked at how weak I felt. Climbing 6 flights of stairs, I almost had to stop part way up.

I am not really sad about this or anything, it's just that I used to think that walking was enough to get fit. Though I have still been walking and doing other little things, I have learned how much different it is to do a really difficult workout tape, or just any significant amount of weight lifting/push-ups/squats etc...

Hopefully I can resume some more vigorous exercise, but for right now, I am still working on getting through each day. My morning sickness returned with a vengeance after flying home solo with Luke. Traveling for 8 hours with a 2-year old and a 25lb backpack left me totally spent.

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