Tuesday, June 22, 2010

barely got out in time!

First off, Katie, I totally empathise with your postpartum issues. I am sorry! I didn't start 'trying' exercise until I was 9 months postpartum with Mary and it helped. But, I do think you have to take it lightly when first starting out because it is easy for it to become a stress issue and not a stress help. I know a lot of moms rely on workout videos, but my kids loved loved LOVED it when I took them jogging. All 3 of them. They would be so quiet in the stroller and enjoy being outside. It is actually what made me fall in love with running. The quiet!!! Have you tried that?

So, today I didn't get my run in till 4:15 and in an hour have to go to a Parish Council meeting. Thankfully, it's leftovers night!!! I only ran 3 miles due to time constraints and the fact that Edmund desperately wanted to come with me. My single stroller is not 'technically' a jogger though it can work as one, albeit poorly--so another reason why I only did 3 miles.

I was also reminded today of why I don't run when the sun is not out and why I don't want to raise my children in Berkeley. I just sometimes get creeped out. In the fall, I had a couple episodes of creepy old men following me for a block. Today, I was running by the BART station near our home and what looked like a couple of gang members followed me in their car at a walking pace (so they were side by side with me) for a couple blocks and then turned into a parking lot and watched to see where I was headed next. It was really scary. Thankfully, I was a block away from a path that a car couldn't follow on and it is a high traffic area. But it reminded me of why it scares the crap out of me to let my children out of my sight in this town and the thought of having teenage daughters here makes my skin crawl. Oh, Lord, please, please, please grant Jesse a job in a good town when he goes on the job market!!!

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